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My project Orlando Clipper 2025

fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

I just purchaced this from a freind,I don't think he knew what he had .I am very excited about doing a mod to this one ,thanks to all of you on this forum giving me the motivation and ideas for the mod..I want to do something similar to backpain's v bottom.His mod was simple and very functional,backpain you are a great inspiration!!! Like you I don't have a garage or shop to work in.I got some "before pics"that my daughter took for me.I  will keep all of you posted as the project progresses.My wife and I have been fishing out of a 12' aluminum v for 12 years now ,this one seems so much bigger.


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

before pic 2...this was manufactured In the late 60's by the Orlando Boat Company, Made from retired aircraft aluminum..If you look close you can see that it is riveted the way that aircraft used to be. Also the guage of aluminum is heavier than most boats of that time...It makes me think of a ww2 B17...Good old American craftmsnship!!


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

before pic 3...Can you believe that I only paid $300 for the boat motor and trailer?


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

before pic 4...The first thing I need to do is remove the steel plates that someone installed,as steel and aluminum don't mix well together.


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

before pic 5


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

This came with a 1962 10hp Johnson seahorse out board so far I have compression and spark ..Not sure about fuel , It has not been ran for about 8 years. He told me that he put a new fuel pump and water pump on it shortly before it was stored (8 years ago)


fishing user avatarFishingBuds reply : 

Man your buddy didn't know what he had did he?

Thats a good'ol classic American made boat.  I like the way you explained the history of it there, Yea I can see the way its riveted together-cool, looks like it could take out a sub ;D

You can do lots with that one, keep us posted on your work and again nice boat :)

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

A little TLC and that puppy will have you catching some fish! $300 was a GREAT DEAL! Is that your Monark in the background?

fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

neighbor's monarch... He upgraded from a 14' aluminum a few years ago.He told me that boats are like kids, If you wait untill you think you can afford one, you will never have one.

fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

got the steel plates out today total weight was about 70 lbs


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

also reconfigured the trailer winch


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

cleaned all the trash out of it


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

the steel left some rust stains behind, but no real damage..will use a wire wheel brush on it .(My yard looks like a junkyard)


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

This is the boat we have used for the past 12 years...It's small but gets us on the water


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

I plan on selling it AFTER the clipper is ready to use.(Can't be without a boat,Crappie are biting)


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

I plan on using the anchormates and maybe the seats on the 14' mod..Also I am keeping the 5 hp motor as a backup for the 14 as the johnson needs major carb work.


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

I have some old waferboard that I'm going to use for the mock up decking and floors...It will make a good template for when I start with the more expensive higher grade plywood


fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

Looks like it's coming along nicely!!! Some paint on the interior and it will look like a whole different boat!! Keep up the great work, fellow Hoosier:o)

fishing user avatarbtcprince reply : 

that is going to be an awesome boat.

fishing user avatarFishingBuds reply : 

Nice crappie :)

fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

Some progress...I got some scrap aluminum from work and put together a frame to hold  the front deck....the best part was the price (free)


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

see how the pieces lock together


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

Then I put together a mock deck.


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

I won't be using this wood on the final project, it was something left over from a previous project. Thought I could make all my mistakes first and use the waferboard as a template for the finished project


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

Here is the bow,I plan to use 1/2" plywood on the finished project (that's my frontier)


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

The foam board on the sides of the benches are there to compensate for the lip on the edges of the benches...I will carpet it all and want a smooth finish.


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

At the bottom of the foam board will be a 2x2 to support the floor , similar to backpain's vhull mod


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

the top of the bow plate will be a good place for an anchormate


fishing user avatarclipper reply : 

I have finally found another Orlando Clipper owner :).  I guess I don't have the only Clipper in existence anymore.  Mine is a 13.5' fiberglass open type fishing boat that my Dad purchased new and picked up at the factory in Orlando in the early to mid sixties, I think.  I installed a deck on mine similar to yours.  I will post a pic of mine as soon as I get a chance to clean her up.  

Looks like you are having a ball building your boat.  Good luck and keep it as light as possible.  I used stainless steel screws for all my wood - wood fasteners.  You were wise to get rid of all the steel in the boat.  Did you check it for leaks before you started installing the deck?  

fishing user avatarLittle Luey reply : 

Just tagging along to see the progress. Looks great so far.

fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

I took a couple of mental health days off and made some more progress. Managed to get my hands on some epoxy

paint,sealer that i used to seal the plywood with.


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

carpeted the deck and floors and bench tops


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

I had to add support to the floor


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

dry fit before carpeting


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

finished bow compartment


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

hatch done


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

How the floor will look


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

almost finished.    Still waiting on seat mounts that I ordered from the bass pro shop.


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

front view


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 



fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 



fishing user avatar_tyler_wright_ reply : 

GREAT job on the boat man!

fishing user avatarclipper reply : 

You did the old girl proud!  She looks great now.

fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

I rebuilt the carb on the engine and got it to sputter,think I'm gonna take it to the marina and let someone that knows more about outboards get her running

fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

Got her on the water over the weekend.Got the seats and mounts on. She isn't top heavy at all put my 250 pound+ brother in law on the front deck. Everything held steady.Only wish the fishing was better.


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

Another pic of her


fishing user avatarbtcprince reply : 

hard to believe its the same boat. hows the motor push it?

fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

It's a 5hp off of my old boat ...Doesn't push it too bad , almost wants to plane.Stoped by the outboard mechainc's today .He didn't have good news about my 10hp. I walked out with a good running 15hp evenrude under my arm. My pocket is a little lighter, but he made me a pretty good deal on it. Should get her out of the water pretty good. I'm gonna keep the 5hp as a back up, then with the price of fuel being so high I might just run it this summer.I can get through the whole season on about 6 gallons with that little motor and it usally starts on the first pull.Just cant be in any sort of hurry.

fishing user avatarFish MD reply : 

Awesome job...makes me want to start a project.

I'm too lazy though     :-[

fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

I hope I have given someone the inspiration to start a project like this. I got alot of satifaction of doing this mod and look foward to doing another (guess I've found a new hobbie). This is the first project like this that I have done and it turned out better than I had imagened ...Next year I plan to do the exterior so keep the ideas coming fellow members.

fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

Updated pictures....I stripped off the paint and added a pinstripe.

Also put a bigger motor on it (1953 evinrude15hp) I plan to repaint the motor and put new decals on it this winter.


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

Another pic


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

and another


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

This what I plan to do to the motor


fishing user avatarrich64 reply : 

someone did a good job with this one



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