Hey guys/gals.
I am looking to buy my first boat (not counting jon boats I've owned) ASAP.
I'd like something in the 16' range. And Aluminum. And I'm thinking around 40HP.
Are there any tips you can give me as far as what to look for, and what to stay away from? Are certain motors a no no? Is Mercury the best? Should I get 4 stroke over 2 stroke? Certain boat brands that I should shy away from?
As far as trailer goes, are rollers or bunks better?
I admit I'm quite naive to this all.
Appreciate any help.
I would follow this thread. should be a lot of feed back in the near future on the type of boat you are looking for.
If you could give us more on specifics. New/used, bass, multi species, waters you want to fish, that kind of thing, it would help.
This is a tough one . I would suggest go look at anything in your price range glass or aluminium. When you say asap I would really look at them and make 100% the boat fits your needs because if you spend good money and your not fully happy it ruins the whole experience.
I wish you the best of luck and my recommendations would be the G3 eagle boats
Thanks for the replies.
I fish mainly bass, but also fish pike and muskie from time to time. Not sure if I want tiller or steering. Any pros/cons? Kind of want steering. But pros for tiller would be more room in the boat I suppose. And with steering, you have more issues that can go wrong/break I suppose?
Price range is around $7,000-$8000 (or less), so new is out of the question. Tho that 40th Anniversary gives you a lot of boat for that price.
Catt has a 16' Alweld with 40 hp and can give you good advice.
On 3/21/2018 at 10:51 AM, NorthernBasser said:Thanks for the replies.
I fish mainly bass, but also fish pike and muskie from time to time. Not sure if I want tiller or steering. Any pros/cons? Kind of want steering. But pros for tiller would be more room in the boat I suppose. And with steering, you have more issues that can go wrong/break I suppose?
Price range is around $7,000-$8000 (or less), so new is out of the question. Tho that 40th Anniversary gives you a lot of boat for that price.
I have owned tiller and console steering. Console is definately more convenient in my opinion. Never had any problems with console steering failures.
I hear the heritage is officially sold out, they are done taking orders. It also wouldn't be something you would be able to get asap, because people are waiting months to get theirs. One person even mentioned his expected delivery date to be in December. That being said, you never know, you could find a used one for sale that someone decided they didn't want.
On 3/21/2018 at 10:47 AM, kroberts9 said:
I wish you the best of luck and my recommendations would be the G3 eagle boats
My first boat was a 2006 G3 Eagle 165 with a Yamaha 60 four-stroke. It could and did take a licking, and is still on the water, today.
If you plan to fish with a full load (i.e., a partner whose name has "Bob" in it and a full livewell), you'll need at least 60 horses, although I'd go with even more.
I did some research on craigslist in your state. What I found is very few mod V style aluminum bass boats for sale. There were plenty of deep V boats available. That tells me you have mostly big water in your area. I would go down to a few dealers and just crawl around some new boats to get an idea what you want, they start looking at the used market.
I bought my first boat last April. Had a similar price range and mostly fishing for bass on smaller lakes, rivers and reservoirs. I knew I wanted an aluminum, so I ended up with a 2007 Tracker 175TXW with a 50hp mercury 2-stroke and I really like it. For a first boat (including Jon), it is really more then I "need". I found in my area, this type of boat went very quick once placed on Craigslist.
I did visit a couple dealers to sit in some of the used boats I was not familiar with to get an idea of what I wanted. Also checked out a dozen or so local sellers when they posted on Craigslist before I made my decision. I recommend you try to narrow it down to options you're looking for. Something I considered was storage length as well...not sure if that needs to be a consideration for you.
Good luck!
A tiller aluminum deep V would be a great all purpose boat to start with. You'll be fine with a two stroke. I had a 15' Sea Nymph with a 50 and later a 17' Sea Nymph, both tillers. Loved those boats and I'm thinking of returning to that style after fishing in my buddy's 16.5 Lund tiller.
This Tracker 160 is a bit more than 8,000 but you can get it with a 40 Mercury 4 stroke. With a nice down payment over a 10 year loan you would have a very small payment and have a brand new boat.
Thanks guys. I'll take everything into consideration.
One thing I'd like, but realize I'd maybe have to pay more, is locking rod lockers.
The Tracker 170 has lockable rod storage but cost a bit more. It comes with a bigger gas tank, bigger live well, speedometer, gas gauge, bigger casting deck, outside gas fill. Oh and I just bought one myself lol. Btw you can get it with a 50.
On 3/21/2018 at 9:52 AM, NorthernBasser said:I am looking to buy my first boat (not counting jon boats I've owned) ASAP.
I'd like something in the 16' range. And Aluminum. And I'm thinking around 40HP.
Are there any tips you can give me as far as what to look for, and what to stay away from? Are certain motors a no no? Is Mercury the best? Should I get 4 stroke over 2 stroke? Certain boat brands that I should shy away from?
As far as trailer goes, are rollers or bunks better?
There are so many options out there... the place I'd start is to consider what water you'll be fishing the most. This will dictate the boat type and the hull type (flat bottom, mod V, deep V). Also consider your fishing style and number of passengers. This will dictate boat size and motor size. Also consider your budget.
Bunks or rollers are fine, either one.
2 stroke or 4 stroke is fine, either one. A 2 stroke will generally be quicker acceleration, better torque and noisier, will require mixing oil/gas; a 4 stroke will be quieter, cleaner, maybe more convenient and a little slower to get up to speed.
Riveted vs all welded: Older riveted boats might leak; all-welded might crack. Neither one is necessarily a deal breaker, just a fact of life.
Pleasure fishing or tournaments?
16' alum with 40 hp sounds like a great all-around choice. Lots of options, new and used. If you've got more specifics it might help lower down the choices.
Saw a used boat on Craigslist. Are we allowed to post CL adds here? Wanted to get your guys' take on it.
For that price you have alot of options,you have to decide what type of hull you want depending on type of water you fish and which options the boat offers that are important to you,also take someone with you that has a boat or has owned boats and definitely take it for a test run,check the hull for cracks,look at the decks for warping,check make sure all electrical is good and on all components work,look at prop and lower unit for any type of damage,look at how well the boat looks will tell you how well it was maintained,if you can take it to trusted marine shop and have them check it out throughly.Happy hunting ????
Thoughts on this boat? Good deal? How are Yamaha motors?
Or this one?
On 3/25/2018 at 7:16 AM, NorthernBasser said:Thoughts on this boat? Good deal? How are Yamaha motors?
Or this one?
Yamaha makes great motors...the Mariner on the Alumacraft is really a Mercury...also a good motor.
Nothing wrong with either boat as long as they are in good condition and well maintained.
Re Trailers: I've had both rollers and bunks. I'll never keep a boat on another roller trailer...
I like that SmokerCraft with the Yammie.
Both look pretty clean.
Hey guys. I'm still shopping. What's your thoughts on this boat? It has a kicker motor. From what I gather, aren't those used for more heavy boats? Or not necessarily? I don't want anything too heavy (for tow capacity reasons).
Or how about this? Thoughts on the flat bottoms vs V's? This seems like a good deal.
On 3/27/2018 at 11:31 AM, NorthernBasser said:Hey guys. I'm still shopping. What's your thoughts on this boat? It has a kicker motor. From what I gather, aren't those used for more heavy boats? Or not necessarily? I don't want anything too heavy (for tow capacity reasons).
Kickers are for trolling. bigger 2 strokes don't like to idle around for long periods of time.
it looks to be well equipped.
seems a little high priced for a 15 year old Fisher.
If you are serious about it, I would have a boat shop look it over.
that boat was made by Tracker. The fisher line has been discontinued for about 9 years.
I see quite a few older Fishers on the water, but I have also heard some of them had problems with cracked welds on the hull.
You can find people that had hull issues with every make of boat. Fishers were decent boats. I agree, the price seems a bit hefty, though the kicker adds some $$$ to the bottom line. This one would require some serious inspection to see why the price is high. I'll take a pass on the Tracker.
Appreciate all the info guys! Like I said, I don't have much experience into what brands to avoid, what outboards are better, V vs flat bottom vs mod-V, etc.
How about this one? Are Crestliners good boats? What about the price point on this one?
That Tracker looks almost too good to be true. Out here in Connecticut, the seller would get multiple offers on it. If I were looking for my first bass fishing boat on a budget, I’d be all over it.
Don’t get caught up in the name-brand hype. Every boat maker you recognize makes a bad boat from time to time, but the vast majority are good. Look at each boat on its own merits.
That Crestliner would be on the TOP of my list. That's a real nice boat. My buddy has the 18' version. There is a difference between some brands. Lund and Crestliner are top level boats. Lund are riveted, Crestliners are welded. Both hand made in the same factory. Both far better made boats than Tracker. That isn't to say Tacker are not good - to the contrary, they pack a lot of value in for a low price. Personally, if you're looking at deep-Vs, Alumacraft, Lund, Crestliner, PolarCraft, would all be in my top choices list.
Thanks again guys.
I contacted the guy with the Crestliner. I asked him him what pond thrust the trolling motor is. He said he doesn't know, which seems weird.
Regarding that Tracker with the mod-V. I realize those probably aren't as stable as the V's (or as wide), but are they still pretty stable boats? I've never fished out of one.
Actually, the nod-v are a little more stable than a deep V. They can't handle the same big water as a deep V, and they can be a bit rougher riding in chop.
On 3/27/2018 at 10:35 PM, J Francho said:Actually, the nod-v are a little more stable than a deep V. They can't handle the same big water as a deep V, and they can be a bit rougher riding in chop.
Ah, gotcha. Again, I appreciate all the help on this. I'm learning and wanna get the right boat.
Now, on that crestliner, it looks like the battery storage up front for the trolling motor may only fit 1 battery (I could be wrong). A guy I know said if I get a bigger trolling motor, I'd want 2 12V batteries. If that's true, I'm not sure how I'd make that work.
Another thing. I like to get in the shallows often like I'm sure most of you do. Will that Crestliner handle it well being a deep V? Obviously the Tracker would be better in that regard.
I mean, how shallow are you tyalking about? Most deep - V draft in about 14". It all depends on how the boat is laden.
On 3/28/2018 at 12:56 AM, J Francho said:I mean, how shallow are you tyalking about? Most deep - V draft in about 14". It all depends on how the boat is laden.
I'd say if it can go in 14" I'd be good. Thanks.
A modified-vee would be much better for bass fishing than a deep-vee. As I mentioned, my first fishing boat was a 16-1/2 foot aluminum modified-vee. It worked great for bass fishing, but my usual fishing partner weighed north of 350 pounds and had vertigo, so my next boat was an 18-1/2 foot aluminum deep-vee. That worked well enough, but we fished tidal rivers and even Long Island Sound on occasion. After my buddy moved out of state, I finally went with an 18-1/2 foot glass bass boat. It was really nice, almost a relief, really, to go back to a bass fishing boat with less freeboard. I really hated hauling fish the long way up and over the rail in the deep-vee.
The OP is in Wisconsin, near Lake Michigan, has a $6-8K price limitation, and it's his first boat. A tiller or side console deep would suit his waters better. A mod-v or glass bass boat would severely limit the water he could safely fish.
I definitely don't fish huge lakes. The biggest lake I fish is actually a widening of a river, and it's 5,000 acres with an average depth of 3-5'.
I'll definitely be fishing deeper lakes as well, but acreage-wise, nothing huge. Maybe up to 2,000-3,000 acres.
You want to hit some of those bays on Michigan. By the time I was 16, I was chasing smallies in Lake Ontario with a 15' deep V tiller.
On 3/28/2018 at 2:18 AM, J Francho said:You want to hit some of those bays on Michigan. By the time I was 16, I was chasing smallies in Lake Ontario with a 15' deep V tiller.
Oh man, I've been wanting to fish those clear waters of Door County for trophy smallies for years. And even muskie.
From 20-something years ago:
On 3/28/2018 at 2:21 AM, J Francho said:From 20-something years ago:
Beautiful! I definitely fish LMB a lot more than smallies (tho there are plenty of smallie lakes around me), but not much matches the fight of a smallmouth.
Those goby's in Lake Michigan really fatten them up.
Well that Crestliner sold. Bummer. I'm in WI and he was in MN so I couldn't get there to look at it til this weekend.
That was a sweet deal. Keep looking! Be patient.
On 3/27/2018 at 9:25 PM, NorthernBasser said:Appreciate all the info guys! Like I said, I don't have much experience into what brands to avoid, what outboards are better, V vs flat bottom vs mod-V, etc.
How about this one? Are Crestliners good boats? What about the price point on this one?
That boat is gone, but yes, Crestliner makes a good boat.
Fish Hawks are good boats within the Crestliner family, I know several people that have them and like them.
On 3/27/2018 at 9:55 PM, J Francho said:That Crestliner would be on the TOP of my list. That's a real nice boat. My buddy has the 18' version. There is a difference between some brands. Lund and Crestliner are top level boats. Lund are riveted, Crestliners are welded. Both hand made in the same factory. Both far better made boats than Tracker. That isn't to say Tacker are not good - to the contrary, they pack a lot of value in for a low price. Personally, if you're looking at deep-Vs, Alumacraft, Lund, Crestliner, PolarCraft, would all be in my top choices list.
Good advice.
On 3/28/2018 at 12:01 AM, NorthernBasser said:Another thing. I like to get in the shallows often like I'm sure most of you do. Will that Crestliner handle it well being a deep V? Obviously the Tracker would be better in that regard.
The hull on my Crestliner is very similar to the Fish Hawks, I have no problem fishing very shallow. I've never measured it, but I would guess 12".
On 3/28/2018 at 2:06 AM, J Francho said:The OP is in Wisconsin, near Lake Michigan, has a $6-8K price limitation, and it's his first boat. A tiller or side console deep would suit his waters better. A mod-v or glass bass boat would severely limit the water he could safely fish.
I just spotted a Crestliner 1650 Fish Hawk that might be a fit. Check your PMs.
On 3/28/2018 at 7:24 AM, Further North said:That boat is gone, but yes, Crestliner makes a good boat.
Fish Hawks are good boats within the Crestliner family, I know several people that have them and like them.
Good advice.
The hull on my Crestliner is very similar to the Fish Hawks, I have no problem fishing very shallow. I've never measured it, but I would guess 12".
Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for Fish Hawks. I don't think I've seen any in all the time I've been scouring the internet, but maybe I just overlooked them.
And I can't remember if I asked this or not, but is welded hulls better than riveted? Or doesn't it really matter?
Little difference between welded and riveted.
I've owned both, they were both fine.
On 3/28/2018 at 8:18 AM, NorthernBasser said:Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for Fish Hawks. I don't think I've seen any in all the time I've been scouring the internet, but maybe I just overlooked them.
And I can't remember if I asked this or not, but is welded hulls better than riveted? Or doesn't it really matter?
OK, I'm dumb. The Fishhawk is a Crestliner model...which I was looking at. I thought you meant it was a sister company of Crestliner. My head is spinning from all the research I've been doing lately.
On 3/28/2018 at 8:27 AM, NorthernBasser said:OK, I'm dumb. The Fishhawk is a Crestliner model...which I was looking at. I thought you meant it was a sister company of Crestliner. My head is spinning from all the research I've been doing lately.
That'll happen.
Print out the adds, write down your notes, that'll help you keep things straight.
Works with vehicles, too.
On 3/28/2018 at 8:38 AM, Further North said:That'll happen.
Print out the adds, write down your notes, that'll help you keep things straight.
Works with vehicles, too.
I'm learning quickly that once a nice deal is posted, it doesn't last long.
On 3/28/2018 at 8:47 AM, NorthernBasser said:I'm learning quickly that once a nice deal is posted, it doesn't last long.
Yup; I spotted the boat I have at about 11:00 PM one night, was on the phone at 8:00 AM the next morning, we had an agreement 15 minutes later, pending inspection.
...that boat was in Chicago, 5 hours away, but we got 'er done.
On 3/27/2018 at 12:02 PM, Weedwhacker said:Kickers are for trolling. bigger 2 strokes don't like to idle around for long periods of time.
it looks to be well equipped.
seems a little high priced for a 15 year old Fisher.
If you are serious about it, I would have a boat shop look it over.
that boat was made by Tracker. The fisher line has been discontinued for about 9 years.
I see quite a few older Fishers on the water, but I have also heard some of them had problems with cracked welds on the hull.
It's very over priced and Fisher were known leakers. Tracker bought out Fisher right around this time. If the boat is pristine, it isn't worth more than 4-5 grand
On 3/28/2018 at 2:14 AM, NorthernBasser said:I definitely don't fish huge lakes. The biggest lake I fish is actually a widening of a river, and it's 5,000 acres with an average depth of 3-5'.
I'll definitely be fishing deeper lakes as well, but acreage-wise, nothing huge. Maybe up to 2,000-3,000 acres.
You fish Lake Wisconsin? the Madison Chain? Koshkonong?
On 3/28/2018 at 8:49 AM, Further North said:Yup; I spotted the boat I have at about 11:00 PM one night, was on the phone at 8:00 AM the next morning, we had an agreement 15 minutes later, pending inspection.
...that boat was in Chicago, 5 hours away, but we got 'er done.
I'm definitely prepared to drive 5 hours for the right price.
I need to take a break from looking for a day or so though. Now I've been suckered into looking at this (but I really don't think I want a payment).
https://www.leadersrpm.com/default.asp?page=xInventoryDetail&id=3665087&p=2&at=boat|personal watercraft&s=Year&d=D&vt=boat&fr=xAllInventory
On 3/28/2018 at 9:02 AM, NorthernBasser said:I'm definitely prepared to drive 5 hours for the right price.
I need to take a break from looking for a day or so though. Now I've been suckered into looking at this (but I really don't think I want a payment).
https://www.leadersrpm.com/default.asp?page=xInventoryDetail&id=3665087&p=2&at=boat|personal watercraft&s=Year&d=D&vt=boat&fr=xAllInventory
I PM'd you links to a couple others, take a look, see how they shake out.
On 3/28/2018 at 8:56 AM, slonezp said:It's very over priced and Fisher were known leakers. Tracker bought out Fisher right around this time. If the boat is pristine, it isn't worth more than 4-5 grand
You fish Lake Wisconsin? the Madison Chain? Koshkonong?
I've fished Lake Wisconsin once. The lake (widening of a river) I was talking about was Lake Puckaway.
Madison chain a few time. I've always relied on friends with boats before. but many have moved away and now I want to get my own. I'd like to fish them more (for smallies and skis). I know they catch huge muskies on Monona.
On 3/28/2018 at 9:05 AM, Further North said:I PM'd you links to a couple others, take a look, see how they shake out.
Will do, thanks!
Well, this sucks.
So, right now I'm living in an apartment where I have one parking spot....a single car garage. So my plan this whole time was to rent a storage unit to keep the boat (when I finally find one). Well, as it turns out, there really aren't any around that have power outlets. And I need that to charge my batteries after every use of the boat, right?
I don't know what I was thinking. I thought you could get them with outlets. But I guess it makes sense that they don't have them, for liability reasons (fires).
Super bummed. Any ideas?
How big of a pain would it be to take both batteries out after each use, and bring them back t my garage and put them on a battery charger. Would that even work?
On 3/30/2018 at 10:04 AM, NorthernBasser said:Well, this sucks.
So, right now I'm living in an apartment where I have one parking spot....a single car garage. So my plan this whole time was to rent a storage unit to keep the boat (when I finally find one). Well, as it turns out, there really aren't any around that have power outlets. And I need that to charge my batteries after every use of the boat, right?
I don't know what I was thinking. I thought you could get them with outlets. But I guess it makes sense that they don't have them, for liability reasons (fires).
Super bummed. Any ideas?
How big of a pain would it be to take both batteries out after each use, and bring them back t my garage and put them on a battery charger. Would that even work?
if one of your batteries are for the main motor and electronics, it should stay charged if you run the gas motor much.
I had to remove the trolling motor battery to charge it on my first boat, because there was no electricity where I parked it.
It was a pain, but better than not having a boat.
I'm not sure what I'd do in that situation...it's a ton of work to get my trolling motor batteries out...
It is a complete PITA to get my electronics battery out.
I seldom run my big motor enough to charge the starting batteries, most lakes in WI just aren't big enough...
Sounds like it's time to rent a house...
On 3/30/2018 at 10:04 AM, NorthernBasser said:Well, this sucks.
So, right now I'm living in an apartment where I have one parking spot....a single car garage. So my plan this whole time was to rent a storage unit to keep the boat (when I finally find one). Well, as it turns out, there really aren't any around that have power outlets. And I need that to charge my batteries after every use of the boat, right?
I don't know what I was thinking. I thought you could get them with outlets. But I guess it makes sense that they don't have them, for liability reasons (fires).
Super bummed. Any ideas?
How big of a pain would it be to take both batteries out after each use, and bring them back t my garage and put them on a battery charger. Would that even work?
Is there a bulb in the storage unit? If there is this could be the answer. https://www.amazon.com/Leviton-1403-Outlet-Socket-Adapter/dp/B001F71O70/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1522854870&sr=8-4&keywords=light+bulb+socket+adapter+plug
On 3/30/2018 at 10:59 AM, Weedwhacker said:if one of your batteries are for the main motor and electronics, it should stay charged if you run the gas motor much.
I had to remove the trolling motor battery to charge it on my first boat, because there was no electricity where I parked it.
It was a pain, but better than not having a boat.
i do this for a jon boat that i keep on a small lake. the dock there has no power. i use a small pair of hand trucks to wheel it around and an old Shumacher charger here at the house. man gotta fish ????
On 4/4/2018 at 11:16 PM, slolane said:Is there a bulb in the storage unit? If there is this could be the answer. https://www.amazon.com/Leviton-1403-Outlet-Socket-Adapter/dp/B001F71O70/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1522854870&sr=8-4&keywords=light+bulb+socket+adapter+plug
So, I got a storage unit yesterday. 10x30. No bulbs in the unit. There are lights on the outside of the units that come on at night.
The owner told be he'd talk to his electrician to see if he can run power into my untit and add an outlet for me. That'd be great! Hopefully he can.
Now, to find a boat!
On 4/5/2018 at 9:50 AM, NorthernBasser said:So, I got a storage unit yesterday. 10x30. No bulbs in the unit. There are lights on the outside of the units that come on at night.
The owner told be he'd talk to his electrician to see if he can run power into my untit and add an outlet for me. That'd be great! Hopefully he can.
Now, to find a boat!
That'll work!
Another question for you guys.
When buying a boat from a dealer, can you haggle on the price? I'm guessing you can with used, but what about new?
What about getting them to throw in little things? Like, let's say, boat buckles for the trailer?
On 4/6/2018 at 11:20 AM, NorthernBasser said:Another question for you guys.
When buying a boat from a dealer, can you haggle on the price? I'm guessing you can with used, but what about new?
What about getting them to throw in little things? Like, let's say, boat buckles for the trailer?
I think that will depend on dealer and brand that you are buying. But you can get a longer amount of time on a loan for a new boat with smaller payment if that's the way you want to go. A dealer will be able to help you with all that either new or used.
Well guys, I put an order in for a 2018 Crestliner VT DX.
I'm excited to finally be getting my first "real" boat at 40 yrs old. No more relying on friends and their boats.
I'm pumped, but also SUPER bummed because I won't be able to take delivery until the 2nd week of June (hopefully they surprise me and make it a week or two sooner). That's some prime fishing I'll be missing. Guess I'll have to find other ways to get out there.
I wanna say a huge 'thank you' to all who have helped me out in not only this thread, but my other thread as well. It's much appreciated. I know I'll have many questions along the way.
Here's a look at what the boat looks like.
On 4/6/2018 at 11:20 AM, NorthernBasser said:Another question for you guys.
When buying a boat from a dealer, can you haggle on the price? I'm guessing you can with used, but what about new?
What about getting them to throw in little things? Like, let's say, boat buckles for the trailer?
You bet you can.
If they say you can't, I'd find another dealer...
On 4/11/2018 at 7:13 AM, NorthernBasser said:Well guys, I put an order in for a 2018 Crestliner VT DX.
I'm excited to finally be getting my first "real" boat at 40 yrs old. No more relying on friends and their boats.
I'm pumped, but also SUPER bummed because I won't be able to take delivery until the 2nd week of June (hopefully they surprise me and make it a week or two sooner). That's some prime fishing I'll be missing. Guess I'll have to find other ways to get out there.
I wanna say a huge 'thank you' to all who have helped me out in not only this thread, but my other thread as well. It's much appreciated. I know I'll have many questions along the way.
Here's a look at what the boat looks like.
Cool boat, you'll like it!
...the way things are going up here, June 2nd will be about 2 weeks after ice out, and should be good fishing.
We still have about 30" of ice as of last weekend.
On 4/11/2018 at 7:35 AM, Further North said:
...the way things are going up here, June 2nd will be about 2 weeks after ice out, and should be good fishing.
We still have about 30" of ice as of last weekend.
That's what I heard from my buddy who lives up north. I'm more southeastern WI. All our lakes have been open for a while now. Like I said, it's gonna be a looooong 2 months.
On 4/11/2018 at 7:43 AM, NorthernBasser said:That's what I heard from my buddy who lives up north. I'm more southeastern WI. All our lakes have been open for a while now. Like I said, it's gonna be a looooong 2 months.
Yeah...my brother lives on Whitewater Lake...was up over Easter weekend...said they were putting docks in already...
I'll be in Indianapolis for opening weekend anyway, and it's amateur day anyhow...I just hope we get open water soon after that.