Waring Pro DHR30 Professional Dehydrator review and price compare 2025
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Product overview
Brand | Waring |
Material | Plastic |
Color | Black |
Wattage | 620 watts |
Item Dimensions LxWxH | 14.7 x 12.4 x 11.8 inches |
product features
- by entering your model number.
- 5 stackable, interlocking trays
- Fruit roll-up sheet included
- Adjustable temperature: off, fan only, lo, medium, and hi
- Great for beef jerky, dried fruits and herbs
- New fan system promoting better air flow
product description
Make your own dried fruits, herbs, vegetables – even beef jerky and fruit roll-ups! Waring Pro makes it easy with a big 5-tiered, 620-watt Professional Dehydrator. An adjustable thermostat includes Fan Only, Low, Medium and High settings for more options, and a top-venting system efficiently draws moisture up and out for excellent results. Make snacks or preserve naturally nutritious homegrown foods to use in recipes all year long. Dried foods are expensive, and fresher is always better!
product details
important information
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Questions about Waring Pro DHR30 Professional Dehydrator
how long to make jerky and how many pounds of meat can you fit in this machine?
Answer: I don't know, maybe 10 hours, maybe 8. It did an awesome job. When you buy a london broil, a standard looking london broil at the store, slice it up, add the sauces and spices, and run it through the machine, it comes out beautiful. Great tasting. The machine was not expensive, somewhere in the 65 to 85 dollar range.
Answer: I can get about 3 to 4 lbs. of sliced chicken in the machine and it takes 4 to 5 hours for me to dehydrate it.
Answer: Depends on the thickness of the cut, but approx. 5 hours has been my average
Answer: Nor a single Coment counts because they don't have the heat setting.
Answer: Why would you dehydrate chicken...?
what is the operating temperature range in the drying area for the various settings?
Answer: According to the manufacturer - Low is around 110, Medium around 140 and High is about 175. Depending on how you load the trays there can be a big impact on the drying time. They suggest checking it every so often.
Answer: I measured them with a Thermapen while empty with 5 trays in and I found high to be 150, medium 130 and low 100
Any recipes for dog chicken strips ? This machine is going to be popular now that the strips made in China are all contaminated !
Answer: Chicken strips are chicken strips whether they're for pet or human consumption. The booklet that came with this is basic, I bought a couple books more via
Answer: You can come up with your own recipe, just stay away from condiments that may not be good for dogs.
Answer: OMFG are you serious???? Just add cat.
Answer: good idea! I will try this!!!!!!!
Answer: OMFG are you serious????
Can you remove all the trays in order to fit a tall item?
Answer: No, each tray is a part of the unit. You can use less trays and it reduces the total height, but there are no tray "inserts" so you can't dry items larger than the tray height. The very top tray is a bit larger than the rest and where I put the largest items (still not a great deal more, but useful.)
Answer: Can you purchase more trays to increase capacity?
Answer: The trays stack on to each other, so the item could only be as high as 1 tray and then the lid would fit on top of that 1 tray.
Answer: trays can be removed
Can you add more tray than the five that come with it to increase the amount of food you can dry
Answer: ereplacementparts.com has them but, they are about half the price of this machine as it is on sale at about 54$! I see trays for about 24-29 bucks.
Answer: There is nothing preventing you from adding more trays, so yes you can if you can find trays that fit the unit. I'm sure Waring sells extra trays. However, drying time will probably take longer with more trays and you'll have to rotate them more often.
Answer: Yes, but they must be ordered separately. I have not added more. My only concern with adding more trays would be a possible extended drying time.
Answer: Yes you can, but make sure you get the same exact trays for this machine. It has a slight oval shape not the round or square shape of most. Just need to make sure they will stack.
Answer: You can add four more trays for a total of 9.
Answer: It seems to be impossible to find extra trays for this no one has had any luck
Answer: Yes
food dehydrator
Answer: Correct.
Answer: Yes. That's correct
Are the trays bpa free?
Answer: I remember a sticker on it so yes
Could anyone tell me what temps each setting get to inside? Edit - Found the answer in the insert : Low 110F Medium 140F High 175F
Answer: Lowest temp110f and highest would be 175f possibly 180f
Answer: I don't think it gets hot. My husband eats the beef jerry right off the rack while the machine is on.
can you add additional trays to this dehydrator, or can you just run the five at a time
Answer: I have run it with 3, 4, and 5 trays just great. If you have identical afditional trays, I imagine this would be able to handle a couple of more trays. The controls allow one to adjust the blower and heat setting of the unit. Best dehydrator I have used.
what temperatures does the low,medium & high settings represent, I can't find anything in operator's manual stating this.
Answer: A paper that comes with the dehydrator says Low = 110, Med = 140, Hi = 175. I measured the temperatures at the top tray with no food in the unit and no fruit roll-up sheet. The actual temperatures were Low = 99, Med = 133, Hi = 157. With food inside the temperatures will be much lower.
Answer: I'm as clueless as anyone we dried some kiwi and banana and it sucked we probably donate this to salivation army.
Answer: Sorry I don´t know
Has anyone else measured the temperatures at the three settings without fruit tray, no food? I put meat thermo in hole at top. Lo=99, Med=133, Hi=157.
Answer: Low 101deg. Med 136deg. High 162deg.
Are the trays and parts dishwasher safe?
Answer: There is nothing in the instruction booklet or imprinted on any of the parts that indicate they are dishwasher safe so my assumption (as dangerous as that can be) that they are NOT dishwasher safe. The trays are not very card to clean and I really prefer to clean them by hand as there are a lot of openings that could trap bits of whatever you're processing. I've used mine almost daily since receiving it and really like the unit. I've had no trouble with it. Give it a shot.
Answer: Per the manual:
Answer: I washed the trays by hand.
Answer: I've cleaned mine in the dishwasher every time. Hot water won't hurt them at all, just don't use the heat cycle
Answer: I can't recall what the manual suggests but I've dish washered mine with no problems. Have fun! It's a great item.
Answer: its very easy to clean by hand ...But
Answer: Yes!
how many pounds of meat can fit in here
Answer: I haven't used it for meat but I would think it could hold 21/2 to 3 pounds easily, particularly if cut in strips.
Answer: I would have to guess because mine has all been wild game. But a large sliced up turkey breast fit easily. Deer tenderloins have fit easily. All of my batches yield 2 qt size zip lock bags to date.
Answer: 3 pounds
what is the warrenty
Answer: Five year limited motor; one year limited appliance. U. S. Customer service: 1-800-269-6640.
Answer: Many of the answers to the questions posed can be found on their web site.
I have lost my instruction book is there some way to get another?
Answer: Hi Norma, my manual refers us to www.waringpro.com. Maybe you can find an online copy there. Good luck!
Is it necessary to buy separate mesh screens to place on top of the trays to dry fruit or make kale chips? If so, where did you get them?
Answer: Not sure what you mean by "mesh screen" - this item does come with 1 thin "plastic" Fruit roll-up sheet. Yes, you would need to buy one for each tray - you can get them @ http://www.waringwebstore.com or just type in Fruit roll up sheets + the model DHR30 into your bing or google search. Amazon also lists fruit roll up sheets that are "possibly compatible" with this Waring model. It wil come up under Nesco LSS-2-6 or Nesco SLD-2-6. Hope this helps - when all else fails, check with the manufacturer.
Answer: It depends on how big the fruit is when it is dried. I found that most of the stuff did fall through so I went to Hobby Lobby and purchased some canvas sheets used for stuff like yarn work. Cut them to fit the trays and worked beautifully.
Answer: I'm sorry, but I don't know. I didn't buy anything extra, but I also wasn't looking for what you describe.
Answer: Here's the link I just found: http://www.waringwebstore.com/detail/WAR+DHR30FRS
Is there a timer?
Answer: No.
Is this unit BPA-free?
Answer: Well it is a poly made product. BPA I thought is mainly in softer plastics. But the unit works well and dose what it's supposed to do.
Answer: Yes it is BPA free, it says so on the box.
Is there only 1 fruit roll up sheet included? If so can more sheets be purchased?
Answer: The unit came with only 1 fruit sheet. I don't remember if the fruit sheet was listed on the parts list or if it can be ordered separately. As a side note the unit has performed perfectly for my wife since we bought it. At least a dozen separate uses.
Answer: They can be purchased on the company website: http://www.waringwebstore.com/products/parts_accessories/food_preparation
Answer: This products motor went out on me with it's second use. Now in the annoying process of returning it vs. getting it fixed. Don't buy it.
Answer: Yes it comes with one and in assuming you can buy more. I was only able to use it once as the dehydrator died on me.
Is there a minimum number of trays that must be stacked?
Answer: No
Answer: No
Answer: No
Can I get some Teflon sheets to fit this machine so it would be easier to remove the dryed fruits/ meat off the machine when done? Thanks helen
Answer: Yes
how many watts is the DHR30
Answer: 620 watts
Answer: 620 watts
Answer: I really don't know but I had to send it back after 1 use because the motor burned up! We went to Lowe's and got the same model for $20.00 less and have used it 5 or 6 times and have had no problems!
Answer: 620
the weight & the volume of waring DHR 30 prof. dehydrator
Answer: The trays are about 12"x18". The trays are very, very difficult to stack, which can be very frustrating when finally getting all the trays full, then... Also, I had to send the motor back once.
Answer: This unit is very light, easy to move, and stands about 15 inches tall. I keep it on my counter all the time, and I use it almost daily.
Answer: Not sure what you are asking but the machine works with regular 110 volt outlet.
What are the drying times and temperatures for fruits and vegetables? I see nothing anywhere in the booklet. Can I dry fruit and veggies together?
Answer: Hey, by my experience fruits and veggies can be dried together, I might recommend putting them on separate racks (trays) for the taste to remain separate. Time s almost always take me about 8-10 hours, for thorough dry. I generally don't use the heat as much so these figures might go faster for you. Hope this helps. Take Care!
Answer: Yes you can and the drying times depend on if you live in a humid or dry area.
What is the warranty on dehydrator?
Answer: don't know what the warranty is but I wouldn't buy this again. Works good but gets hot enough that the racks have warped & won't fit properly now. Didn't know this so ran it on high to finish quicker now racks are crooked and don't seat down on the machine.
Answer: I think it was 1 year. There is a list of repair or return locations on the booklet that comes with it. I highly recommend this product. Works great for me.
Answer: I do not remember, because i returned it quickly. I have a small place and the fan noise was too loud for me. thanks,
Is electricity 220 or 110
Answer: 110
Answer: 110
Answer: It doesn't matter. DO NOT PURCHASE THIS ITEM. Buy the NESCO brand. The Waring Pro: I've had someone replace the fuse, which is located in a difficult spot and then the motor went out. I had it a little over 6 months, for my classroom. It made me sick, because I had purchased extra shelves. It has a high/Lo. The Nesco has a dial for temperature degrees, depending what you are drying. The
How big is it?
Answer: 14x10 it works much faster than the old unit I had because of the fan this one has in it. Cut my time to make jerky in half!
Answer: 5 trays about 14"x 10" maybe a little larger. It works beautifully, have used it alot this year and love it.
how many watts? and what is it 110v or 220v
Answer: Did you not find it in the description of the product? If you did not, you need to contact the vendor. I did not pay attention to that or I don't remember it.Sorry,
Answer: 110 volts
Is the unit truly bpa free? Not only the trays but the unit itself
bpa free?
Answer: Yes BPA Free
Does it do vegetables
Answer: Absolutely! I have used mine to do vegetables, fruits, meats, and starches like rice and potatoes. I would suggest you do a bit of research into dehydrating for times and temperatures.
Answer: Sure...it comes with directions on how and what is best to dehydrate
Answer: I dried sweet potatoes for my dogs in it, so imagine it does.
what is the wattage?
Answer: correct my last, it is 620 vice 640. First answer from memory, last answer from box.
Answer: 640,does a quick job with fan high.
Answer: The box says 620 watts.
Answer: 620 watts per bottom of unit
Answer: It is 620 watts
Answer: Avoid purchasing this unit
Where can I order more fruit roll up sheets? Can I use five at a time?
how much does the machine weigh with it's package ? couse I need to bring it to Latin America
Answer: packaging gone but machine weighs less than 5 pounds, I don't know that I would recommend this after using it several months. The racks warped from the heat & no longer fit tight like they should for maximum drying.
Answer: I no longer have the packaging but the machine itself is quite light, 2-3 pounds.
Answer: I do not know how much it weighed, but if I remember right, that box was pretty big to be hauling around, especially on a plane or train!
Where can i buy extra trays for the waring pro dhr30 professional dehydrator. can you buy these trays through amazon?????????
has anyone tried beets?
Answer: I have tried everything else, I am sure beets would work
Answer: I didn't like them. Rubbery, hard to chew and didn't taste very good.
Do you have to cook the meat to 165 degrees in the oven first to make jerky?
Answer: I just put the meat in a ziplock bag with the spices overnight, and then dehydrated it. Never cooked the meat firts. Turned out perfect.
Answer: you should with chicken and turkey.
Answer: No just marinate if you want a flavor.
Answer: No
does it have a timer
Answer: It does not have a timer.
Answer: No. It does not h's a timer
Answer: No timer but that's a great idea. It really needs to be checked before turning it off tho. Due to my different thicknesses of material, I always have to start removing the thinner items and wait a while for the thicker to get done. This is a great really handy appliance.
Answer: Sorry no timer
Answer: nope.... we have a twist time next to it as we use it.... it takes a LONG time to use these dehydrators.... patience is a must.
does it have a built in timer
Answer: No it doesn't have a built-in timer.
Answer: Nope you just have to set your own timer to stop it and rotate the trays- I just use timer on my stove.
Answer: No, it doesn't. But, I've got a small appliance timer that I use for a lamp and that does the trick!
Answer: No, this is a piece of junk don't buy it. Try a Nesco.
Answer: No
can you dehydrate meats
Answer: Dont buy it...we used it 3 times and motor went out past the warrenty time.so we cant return it! WARNING on Waring
Answer: Yes. there are recipes in the book that comes with it & there are unlimited recipes online.
Answer: Yes it can... I use it mostly for beef jerky
I have a new waring dehydrator my bro gave me for christmas. used it once and it just stopped working. the motor will not start. how can i replace it
Where is the dehydrator made?
Answer: I looked in the book and I think it was either in the US or Canada that's where the service centers are located. The only thing that was printed in china was the manual as best as I can tell. I must say for the cost the dehydrator has worked excellent for me, I have done tomatoes, zucchini, carrots and peas.
Answer: Sorry I took so long to respond. China - I WISH I could say USA, nevertheless it does a wonderful job. No complaints.
Answer: Bottom of the unit says that it is made in China.
Answer: I do not know. Answer might be on web site under customer care?
Answer: Its made in China. NOT junk at all. A real solid unit.
Where can i find replacement trays for a waring dehydration dhr30
Answer: I do not no try get5ting in touch with Waring.
what does the wattage means? the higher the more powerful? but temp is fixed for most dehydrators like 180max? also is the motor noisy?
Answer: More watts, more power, yes. settings on this unit are low, medium and high. motor might be noisy to some, not so much to me.
Answer: IT's a great product but you can hear the fan going, sounds like the refrigerator when it comes on.
how noisy is it?
Answer: it is not noisy , it has a low fan that circulates the heat for the dehydration process .your not sleeping with it ,, so if u put it on in the kitchen and turn it on before you go to bed , by morning u have dehydrated your product.
Answer: It's not very noisy, especially when the motor burns out on the second use. Do not buy this product.
Answer: it is as noisy as a water distiller. Not terribly noisy
Answer: My air conditioner is louder than this thing. I also have a de-humidifer that is louder. I was trying to think of something to compare it to... even my microwave is louder.
Answer: It works with a fan. There is some noise. I can tolerate it. few people may not.
Answer: Very. After loading I move it to the laundry room and close the door. Way too loud to keep in the kitchen when running!
Answer: I would say medium. It's not loud at all.
I see the best info on temps ... Is the range analog?
Answer: Its just a three position switch low med hi. No temps shown
Answer: Our unit works great but I've never checked the temperature. I believe the temperature does not change, the dial changes the fan speed. I hope this helps.
Can you tell me the sq feet of drying space?
Answer: http://www.waringpro.com/catalog.php?pcID=139_152&product_id=533
Answer: about 17 or 18 inch across and 14, 15 " deep. I make beef jerky only. I buy a 2.5 lb sirloin tip roast. I slice it up, marinate it in, this Is important so listen up, wicheshere sause, soy sauce, liquid smoke, brown sugar, garlic, black pepper for at least 8 hours. spread it out on this machine and in 5 hours turned a 17 dollar roast into 250 dollars worth of great beef jerky ... been doing it on this machine for over a year now. no problems ... quiet and makes the entire room smell like a steak house ...
Does this use a ton of electricity? Bought one for half the price of this, but it doubled our daily electricity use..
Answer: No noticeable difference in the electric bill. If left on continuously at full power (620 watts) for the a full month, it would amount to $1.80 (@ $0.10/kwh) on our electric bill.
Answer: sorry, I never notice a huge difference in our electricity bill. It states it uses 620 Watts.
Answer: The description says that they are 620 watts, so at full power, that's like 6 100 watt bulbs. Seems like a lot of power to me. It was the noise that put me off. I went back to my cast iron radiator in the winter. Not sure if I will use it again.
Answer: I can't really tell, but you need to put it somewhere away from where you are in the house because it is noisy.
Do you have to rotate the trays?
Answer: no the tray do not rotate. I did a batch of jerky and filled the machine and everything came out perfect.
Answer: With this, as almost all home use dehydrators, it is best to rotate for even drying.
Answer: What do you mean by rotate trays, turn them around? I don't know what you are asking.
Answer: Depending on what is in there. I did for little cherry tomatoes that were dense, but did not have to for herbs.
Answer: Yes
Answer: Yes on certain things
Product reviews of Waring Pro DHR30 Professional Dehydrator
terrie terrific : This product was easy to use
This product was easy to use. This is my first hydrator and I was able to quickly set it up and started using it.
Midwestern Dancer : Great product
Terrific product! Easy to use...not too loud...we've been using it several times a week to make our own trail mix, jerky, and others.
Trey McClure : Great for jerky.
Awesome dehydrator I've used it for about 2 years now and have had no issues. Great product and a good price.
Paka Shyam : Five Stars
Very good product.
selena frame : Five Stars
Super happy with this dehydrator!
Barbara Hoffpauir : 5 trays and a fruit rollup sheet included - works really well
Years ago I gave my old dehydrator to my daughter. She used it a lot and if finally wore out. I purchased this one to give to her for Christmas. She has been very pleased with it. It has 5 trays which is an improvement over the one she had before. It only had 4. There are three setting on this one as well - low, medium, and high. It comes with a tray that you can spread pureed fruit on to make fruit rollups. She was very excited with her Christmas gift and says that it works really well!
zophra : Making beef jerky like crazy now
Making beef jerky like crazy now. This is one of the best gifts my family has ever bought me... to make them beef jerky, I think.
Austen Fan : Unacceptable Performance; Will Return
I bought this food dehydrator from Amazon after trying one from another manufacturer at a friend's house and really liking the results, then noticing this model at a discount at a local gourmet superstore. Although I used the same variety of fruit (Cortland apples) with this model, the food never became dry enough, even after an excessive amount of time and use of all of the temperature settings.In addition, the fan is quite loud, necessitating the relocation of the machine from my kitchen to another room. I had thought that this model would, in fact, be superior for my use in particular, since it has a fan-only setting that would mean not heating up any part of my house in summer. Given the wattage of the model and the time required to dry the food, however, I wonder if buying dried fruit wouldn't be more economical. Perhaps something is blocking the fan, or the machine I received is the rare lemon, but I have not experienced the results that others posting here have reported. The Waring demo video accompanying this listing may be telling in that it illustrates only the preparation of fruit leather and placement of fresh fruit for drying on the trays, and does not mention the recommended temperature or expected amount of time for drying the fruit, nor does it provide a visual of the dried fruit. In any case, I plan to return my purchase and will update my review, if appropriate.
Update: I think that this machine has a fundamental design problem, as, recalling that my friend's machine could be adjusted to vent more air through the sides of the trays, I tried stacking the oval-shaped trays with every other one rotated 180 degrees, and the fruit became much drier in short order. That is not a very stable or intended configuration for the machine, but it could explain why others have reported the motor burning out very quickly, as the fan is apparently constantly trying to move air through an assembly that, when properly loaded, is nearly blocked by the layers of food. I have initiated a return of the product.
JP Sellers : Very nice upgrade
Our old dehydrator stopped working and we needed a replacement. We did a little looking around and this item seemed to be just what we needed. We have been using it for about a week now and it works great. We are drying pears in it and the results are outstanding. Golden brown and very tasty - we are able to dry a full batch in about seven hours.
We would recommend this item to anyone looking for a good dehydrator.
Adele : Motor died early
I bought this a few years ago and used it lightly but the motor suddenly burned out. I wrote to Waring and if they offer a replacement, repair, or discount on the base without trays will update this review, but otherwise, feel the cost was inappropriate to the durability and now it will be taking up space in a landfill. A shame. Will save my money and buy a higher quality model next. When it was working, I had no complaints with the design of the unit.
Jon : Scraping Motor noise
After one day the motor made a weird winding scraping noise Heat was working but no air, afraid it might over heat. everything else is good but can't take a chance with a heating element on for 6-10 hours
Jon : Scraping Motor noise
After one day the motor made a weird winding scraping noise Heat was working but no air, afraid it might over heat. everything else is good but can't take a chance with a heating element on for 6-10 hours
Lancalyna Armstrong : It has a fan which evenly and quickly heats the foods
It works great. Love it for making all kinds of Jerky.
Lancalyna Armstrong : It has a fan which evenly and quickly heats the foods
It works great. Love it for making all kinds of Jerky.
Rob - Rochester NY : ... - used it for the first time and it great! Circulation is perfect and made great jerky
I ordered this about a month ago - used it for the first time and it great! Circulation is perfect and made great jerky.
Liked it so much I ordered a second one to prepare for the collapse!
renoandkira : Works GREAT!!
LOVE THIS!!! I have used it so much during the summer to dehydrate numerous fruits and veggies. This works very well, I looked at a lot of them and I love that this offers three cook settings. It allows you to continue to dehydrate overnight, but not over dehydrate because you can put it on a lower setting. Would definitely recommend.
Fish mama : good starter dehydrator
My first dehydrator, so I didn't know what to expect. Right away I made flax crackers and found I could have used an additional plastic sheet, so I ordered from Waring for 10.00. Made kale chips. Nice. Haven't used for much else. We live in a small place so the constant hum of the motor becomes annoying on long drying spells, but other than that, it's fine, and the right price.
Adele : Motor died early
I bought this a few years ago and used it lightly but the motor suddenly burned out. I wrote to Waring and if they offer a replacement, repair, or discount on the base without trays will update this review, but otherwise, feel the cost was inappropriate to the durability and now it will be taking up space in a landfill. A shame. Will save my money and buy a higher quality model next. When it was working, I had no complaints with the design of the unit.
Rex Henderson : Very frustrating
I'm having the worst luck finding a dehydrator that will last. But this one lasted longer than any others. The heater coils always seem to be the part that blows out. Which is understandable. None have ever lasted me more than six months, which I think is a very poor track record given the number of other kitchen appliances you can purchase that last practically forever. I wish somebody would make a dehydrator that you could easily swap out the heat coils like you would batteries or other wear-and-tear parts....It would make so much sense!
I have no problem admitting that heat coils should not last forever. Just make a product that you can replace them easily!
southerngirlnc : Good buy for the money
Love the waring DHR30 dehydrator! I have dried, herbs, fresh pineapple, banana chips, fresh zucchini, strawberries. There are many things that you can do w/ this tool ---and we have paid for it already just with the use!!
Rob - Rochester NY : ... - used it for the first time and it great! Circulation is perfect and made great jerky
I ordered this about a month ago - used it for the first time and it great! Circulation is perfect and made great jerky.
Liked it so much I ordered a second one to prepare for the collapse!
Dee : I like this machine this is my second one.
This is the second machine that I have purchased. I damaged two of the trays in the first machine and it was of greater value to purchase a new machine as the trays cost so much individually. This way I have a total of eight trays and two basis so I can use both machine at the same time when dehydrating my herbs and vegetables. The machine works great and fast when on the high setting. I have used it for dehydrating Moringa leaves and I will be using it for basil and other herbs. It works great for making kale chip.
I got this at a great price. Delivery was fast! I am very happy with my purchase.
Cindy Carmon : Also it smells like it's overheating the while time it's on
It took a really long time to dehydrate anything, but the results when finished were tasty. Also it smells like it's overheating the while time it's on.
Bob "Mad Bomber" Johnson : Solid purchase.
Bought this for my girlfriend for her birthday a while back. She loves it, no problems so far. Her only complaint is that it's rather large and takes up a lot of counter space.
R S. : Would not buy again
Does not have sufficient spacing for larger items
mav207 : Works great
Bought this primarily for drying brass after running thru an ultra sonic cleaner. It works great for that and I don't have to worry about any green discoloration or deterioration of my brass casings. I got the idea from a gun on YouTube.
Amazon Customer : great
JP Sellers : Very nice upgrade
Our old dehydrator stopped working and we needed a replacement. We did a little looking around and this item seemed to be just what we needed. We have been using it for about a week now and it works great. We are drying pears in it and the results are outstanding. Golden brown and very tasty - we are able to dry a full batch in about seven hours.
We would recommend this item to anyone looking for a good dehydrator.
Amazon Customer : great
NYGdn12 : Fan rather loud and broke after 20 hours first time being used.
Fan rather loud and broke after 20 hours first time being used. I gave this dehydrator 3 stars because the fruit I was drying turned out very good as it had dried enough before the heater conked out. Amazon replaced it promptly so I am hoping for a longer lasting unit this time. The fan, even on low, is too loud to keep in the kitchen so I had to put it in a spare bedroom. It did make that whole part of the house smell like the fruit I was drying, so that was kind of nice. Not sure if I will like that though for the jerky I have planned next -- but that is to be expected... not a design flaw.
Stevo Boqs : Not buying this product again!
This unit did not worked at all! Our mistake was not returning it to the seller.
Jon : Scraping Motor noise
After one day the motor made a weird winding scraping noise Heat was working but no air, afraid it might over heat. everything else is good but can't take a chance with a heating element on for 6-10 hours
Austen Fan : Unacceptable Performance; Will Return
I bought this food dehydrator from Amazon after trying one from another manufacturer at a friend's house and really liking the results, then noticing this model at a discount at a local gourmet superstore. Although I used the same variety of fruit (Cortland apples) with this model, the food never became dry enough, even after an excessive amount of time and use of all of the temperature settings.In addition, the fan is quite loud, necessitating the relocation of the machine from my kitchen to another room. I had thought that this model would, in fact, be superior for my use in particular, since it has a fan-only setting that would mean not heating up any part of my house in summer. Given the wattage of the model and the time required to dry the food, however, I wonder if buying dried fruit wouldn't be more economical. Perhaps something is blocking the fan, or the machine I received is the rare lemon, but I have not experienced the results that others posting here have reported. The Waring demo video accompanying this listing may be telling in that it illustrates only the preparation of fruit leather and placement of fresh fruit for drying on the trays, and does not mention the recommended temperature or expected amount of time for drying the fruit, nor does it provide a visual of the dried fruit. In any case, I plan to return my purchase and will update my review, if appropriate.
Update: I think that this machine has a fundamental design problem, as, recalling that my friend's machine could be adjusted to vent more air through the sides of the trays, I tried stacking the oval-shaped trays with every other one rotated 180 degrees, and the fruit became much drier in short order. That is not a very stable or intended configuration for the machine, but it could explain why others have reported the motor burning out very quickly, as the fan is apparently constantly trying to move air through an assembly that, when properly loaded, is nearly blocked by the layers of food. I have initiated a return of the product.
Naomi F. : It did a great job. But now has stopped working
I had this for 4 years. prob used it 8 times. To make jerky. It did a great job. But now has stopped working :( I don't know if it stopped working because stuff dripped into the lower part. I paid $70 for this,
wish I would have spent $100 and got one with the electrical parts on top not on the lower part. so sad, wish it still worked.
Austen Fan : Unacceptable Performance; Will Return
I bought this food dehydrator from Amazon after trying one from another manufacturer at a friend's house and really liking the results, then noticing this model at a discount at a local gourmet superstore. Although I used the same variety of fruit (Cortland apples) with this model, the food never became dry enough, even after an excessive amount of time and use of all of the temperature settings.In addition, the fan is quite loud, necessitating the relocation of the machine from my kitchen to another room. I had thought that this model would, in fact, be superior for my use in particular, since it has a fan-only setting that would mean not heating up any part of my house in summer. Given the wattage of the model and the time required to dry the food, however, I wonder if buying dried fruit wouldn't be more economical. Perhaps something is blocking the fan, or the machine I received is the rare lemon, but I have not experienced the results that others posting here have reported. The Waring demo video accompanying this listing may be telling in that it illustrates only the preparation of fruit leather and placement of fresh fruit for drying on the trays, and does not mention the recommended temperature or expected amount of time for drying the fruit, nor does it provide a visual of the dried fruit. In any case, I plan to return my purchase and will update my review, if appropriate.
Update: I think that this machine has a fundamental design problem, as, recalling that my friend's machine could be adjusted to vent more air through the sides of the trays, I tried stacking the oval-shaped trays with every other one rotated 180 degrees, and the fruit became much drier in short order. That is not a very stable or intended configuration for the machine, but it could explain why others have reported the motor burning out very quickly, as the fan is apparently constantly trying to move air through an assembly that, when properly loaded, is nearly blocked by the layers of food. I have initiated a return of the product.
Chris Snider : Amazing for the price
Got a Christmas gift card from my company and bought this. Amazing for the price. I've done jerky in in 3 dozen times. Simple to use and clean. Worth every penny and didn't cost hundreds of dollars.
Jon : Scraping Motor noise
After one day the motor made a weird winding scraping noise Heat was working but no air, afraid it might over heat. everything else is good but can't take a chance with a heating element on for 6-10 hours
Wise ole owl : Dehydrator
Its a good product and works as its supposed to
Mary : My first and last dehydrator
This is a fabulous dehydrator. I'm having the most fun drying fruits and vegetables. It's easy to use and easy to wash. Makes great dried kale chips. You have multiple settings and a booklet to help get you started.
busymom69 : Very good
I am using the Waring Dehydrator now almost every day since I received it. Works very well and the family and I enjoy whatever is in it. Great Product.
Martin Blank : so far so good
Well so far I have only used it once to make a batch of beef jerky. I put the beef in and let it ride on low for about 9 hours rotating the trays maybe three times. Jerky came out perfect. Trays cleaned up easily. Also, unit was much quieter than I thought it would be, barely even noticed it running. So far, I am very pleased.
DB : Like they were all a slightly different size
The trays seemed to "shrink" after a few months. They would not stack neatly anymore. Like they were all a slightly different size.
Jes : Working great
I had to return the first one I bought as it was making odd noises.
Thankfully Amazon's return policy is great - they sent a new one and it's working great!
Acampbell : Wonderful!
I bought this to start dehyrdating my garden produce. It was easy to set up and operate. Quiet and does a perfect job. I dehydrated squash into chips and also herbs. Both came out perfect! I love it and I highly recommend it!
Katelyn : Easy to use and clean
This dehydrator is easy to use, easy to clean and convenient. I haven't been using it as much as I thought because it just takes so long to make things so I need to get into the routine of dehydrating things on the weekends. I would love it if it had a timer so I could set my apples for 8 hours and go to work and it just turn off. With working 10 hour days its so hard to let it run during the day or even the night, so for me I should've bought one with a timer. However, its a very good product. Its also very quite.
Dibs : Quieter, smaller, I like it a lot
I had the Nebco dehydrator before -- too big, took up way too much room, no place to store; way too noisy, drove me crazy; no on/of switch so got a spark to plug in or out - I don't like the shock potential! This has on/off switch, plus low, medium, high; is far, far quieter; doesn't take up a lot of room; and much lighter. Others mention that things can fall down to the bottom - certainly true, but the motor/heat flow at the bottom is well protected - just keep the liquids in the trays. I dried a lot of nuts after soaking and herbs and many small bits fell but no problem; I used parchment paper for some but have used meshed fabric in the past and will do that for the future to give more air circulation than the paper when drying small items. Searched everything in Amazon about dehydrators before choosing this one, and it is great. I wouldn't call it "Professional" though, clearly a sales gimmick, but still a great little machine for home use.
Kd : Works great - not quiet though
This works great. We did beef & fruit, there hasn't been any cleanup issues or dripping but we used fresh fruit & beef. Maybe frozen fruit is too watery. It is our first dehydrator, so it's louder than I thought it would be, like a fan over a stove on medium or a loud disheasher. Considering it's on for 8+hours, that might be why it seems so loud. Creates background noise - but then again I like the TV at level 3 when I watch it and if not watching it's off. So it's probably not that loud, it's just me.
Shawna : It was my first one and I loved drying all my homegrown herbs
I purchased this dehydrator through Amazon June 2015. It was my first one and I loved drying all my homegrown herbs! It died after 11 months, May 2016. Do NOT buy this unless you have money to throw away. I was so looking forward to jerky, dried fruits, and more this year. Very disappointed and looking for a new one...
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