8" (200mm) Impulse Manual Bag Sealer Heat Seal Closer + Free KIT review and price compare 2025
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Product overview
product features
- by entering your model number.
- No Warm-up time necessary. Die-Cast construction
- Note: Seals bags made of any thermo sealable material, with the possible exception of thicker metalized laminations. Please see below for more information.
product description
These small yet powerful units are probably the most ubiquitous packaging machines, and are used to seal bags for a great variety of industries and applications. They are affordable and easy to use, which makes them a great alternative for light-duty bag sealing applications. The sealing process is simple: The operator places the bag over the sealing element and lowers the upper jaw thus activating the unit. The seal process quickly ends once the preset seal time is reached. The operator retrieves the sealed bag and repeats the process. Bags are sealed repeatedly and uniformly.
Features: Simple to use - No operator training.
LED sealing power indicator.
Adjustable timer for optimal seal control.
Seals bags made of any thermosealable material.
No Warm-up time necessary.
Machine Includes 2 Sealing Elements & 2 PTFE Sheets.
Technical Specifications: 8 inch (200 mm) sealing length.
1/16 Inches (2 mm) wide sealing.
Heat Time: 0-3.5 Sec. (Under 2 Seconds is recommended for most applications)
Voltage: 110 VAC / 50-60 Hz
Plug type: NEMA 5-15P
Impulse Power: 300W (heat element does not heat while machine is not sealing, thus, energy draw is minimal)
product details
important information
you can compare the product price from Costco, wayfair, bestbuy, lowes, target, homedepot, Walmart, ebay, amazon to find the best price for you
Questions about 8" (200mm) Impulse Manual Bag Sealer Heat Seal Closer + Free KIT
Is this sealer approved for food preparation? Does it have the proper placard?
Answer: I have a home cookie business, approved by the NYS Dept. of Agriculture. I sell my cookies at local food and craft fairs, and love my packaging. I use this sealer on 9 x 12 cellophane bags and it works beautifully! I love that I can package my own product and it looks great and very professional...I would personally and professionally recommend this item for your use.
Answer: To my knowledge the heat sealer is not the food safety issue it is the type bag. I use a heat sealer to seal roasted coffee bags. I do not recommend buying from this company as the delivered item did not work and they initially refused a return. I went to ebay with better results from a different manufacture of the same item.
Answer: I think it does. It comes in a box with instructions, photos, and a manual....and it's easy to use.
Does this work for Myler Foil Bags?
Answer: This product is designed to seal mylar bags as well as other types of plastic bags. The adjustable temperature makes this appropriate for a very wide range of product thicknesses and materials.
Is the heating element flat or round?
Answer: The heating element is flat
Answer: Flat, but I've used round replacements...they worked fine.
Answer: Ebay
Can you use this to seal cellophane bags smaller than 8 inches?
Answer: Yes...8" is the maximum seal width...but you can seal any width that is smaller:)
Answer: Yes, you can seal any bags smaller than the width of the machine. Turn the heat down for cellophone, though, or it will melt instead of seal. This is a marvelous machine, we love using it for all the charity work we do.
Answer: Yes you can. Watch your heat level. Depending on the thickness of your bags adjust your heat.
Answer: yes you can
Answer: yes.
Would this seal static shielding bags?
Answer: Yes. I have been using it to do that.
Hi, I would like to know if you be able to ship this sealer to Bogota, Colombia, South America? If so, how much will be S&H?
Answer: Sorry, we don't provide international shipping.
Is it battery operated? or is it electric? If battery operated how long do the batteries last? thank you!
Answer: It is electric, no batteries needed. I love this and I am ordering 2 more for my store. Hope this helps you.
Answer: It is electric. Not battery operated.
Answer: It's Electric. I love mine. Have been using it for over a year, and it seals cello and other types of bags. Great deal, and an effective product as far as I'm concerned. Hope you have as good a luck as I have had...KD
Answer: This is strictly electric.
Answer: Electric
Does this work on sealing airfill mylar balloons
Answer: We use this to seal coffee bags and to create a seal for shrink wrap. There is a timer to adjust how long heat is applied. We did several tests to get the timing just right and with our coffee bags we flip the bag over and re-seal the bag to ensure all four layers are melted together. Test, test, test. It's great for small production but not great for detail work.
How do I purchase just the replacement kit?
Answer: Good morning dear Jaimie,
Answer: You could try searching for "impulse sealer replacement kit." Because Amazon.
Answer: You can search for dealers
Answer: You can search for dealers
Will this work on food storage bags, like the seal a meal brand?
Answer: I've not tried it, I use this for sealing commercial packaging.
Answer: I don't know for sure. I've never tried it on them, but i suspect that it will. They are poly so I don't see why not.
Does this have a cutter?
Answer: No, it doesnt have s cutter.
Answer: You can do the seal and pull method, which effectively tears the bag where it's being melted. Or you can just use a good pair of scissors. But to answer your question directly: NO.
Answer: No, it doesn't. That would be convenient, though. What I've done is buy bags that are super close to the finished size I need so I don't need to cut them. Or just cut with regular scissors. No biggie, but it's an extra step, yes. Still, this is an excellent deal and really makes a professional impression.
Answer: No
Answer: What kind of balloon? I'm assuming you mean the foil kind? Yes, I think it will work fine for that application.
Answer: No!!
When I plug it in and try to use it the power light does not come on and it does not get hot. Am I doing something wrong?
Answer: Power light only comes on when contact between upper and lower touch, also heat is instant .... Hence... (impulse) seal.
Answer: All you have to do is just plug it in, there is no "on of off" switch, place the bag on the sealer, and press the top handle down to seal, and it will seal. You can also adjust the time of seal from the knob in the front.
Answer: Power light does not come on until you press the top on the heating element.
Can this shrink wrap DVD Cases?
Answer: The impulse seals the ends of a shrink wrap or cellophane bag but it doesn't shrink the bag. You have to use a heat gun or blow dryer to shrink the bag.
Answer: it wont shrink wrap it but it will seal it closed with a small amount of air inside it.
Answer: No, it can not shrink plastic.
Answer: No it cannot. You need a food saver for that with a built in vacuum
does it work on bubble wrap?
Answer: To be honest, I never tried it on bubble wrap. Other sites say you can use this type of sealer on bubble wrap. If you had the flat side of the bubble wrap on the outside to seal, it should work, but might cause more plastic melt on the heat bar.
Answer: It might, I am not sure and dont want to try it with mine just in case. The air pockets may be problematic....I think it should be used on a flat plastic.
well this work to seal a filter type tea bag,(paper )
Answer: We use it to seal tea bags. I needed to adjust heat levels and hold it down for about 3 seconds. Make sure tea bags are heat sealable.
Answer: I don't believe so. It is designed for: Mylar, Polypropylene, Static shielding, Nylon, Polyethylene, & Polyurethane bags
Where was it from?
Can this be used for Kraft paper bags?
Answer: Yes it can be used on heat sealable paper bags
Answer: Hello Samantha B.
Answer: I've never done that, nor would I ever try. Not sure why you want to seal a paper bag. The device gets very hot and would burn and catch the paper bag on fire. I'd never do that. Something has to melt. What would melt in a paper bag? It's paper. No -- Don't do this. Someone could get hurt. Best wishes.
Does this seal grosgrain ribbon?
Answer: Seals anything if you get the timing down right
Can you use it with bags longer than 8" if you scrunch the bag up on one end and seal in 8" segments?
Answer: You can, yes, but it wouldn't make a good straight seal.
Would this work on Kraft zip top bags?
Answer: I use it to seal all kinds of bags. I haven't found any yet that it wouldn't seal.
Answer: Yes, I believe it does seal most plastic bags.
Answer: No it has to be cellophane bags only.
Answer: I expect that it should. They are made of the correct material.
We have replaced the wire and tape on it twice. Now a metal underneath them in the body of the machine is melting, is there a replacement?
Answer: Dear Customer, please contact your seller.
I've only used this a handful of times and it stopped working. Is there something I can do to fix it?
Answer: Hi dear Haig,
Answer: Use it as a door stop . . . mine NEVER worked and I could not get my money back . . . love how they sent out the repair question to those of us who bought past models!
Are there freezer bags that I can use with this for meats and vegetables ?
Answer: I doubt it. This just seals one edge. It does not vacuum seal the bag. There is still air in the bag once sealed.
Answer: I’m not sure, I only use it to seal cookies, the bags I get aren’t meant for meat.
Answer: Dear Customer,
How many elements and Teflon tapes come included with free kit?
Answer: Hi dear Christina,
Answer: There were 2 element/teflon tape kits with the sealer I received.
Answer: Comes with 2 of each.
Answer: They send you 2 kits
Answer: Mine arrived with 3 but if you keep the material clean you will never use any of the refills
Answer: I agree with the others, there were 2 extra of each.
Answer: mine only came with one. ;(
can we purchase unit with round wire?
Will this product seal straws? I have a honey business and recently my vendors have been asking for honey sticks. Polyester straws.
Answer: It's labeled to do polyethylene and polypropylene BAGS. Straws are thicker material, I have tried it on some plastic drinking strewa with some success. I don't know what the straw material is. It may be polyethylene The container of straws is not labeled.
Does this have the proper plug to be used in the United States? (I am in desperate need of a new impulse sealer )
Answer: Hi dear Halley,
Answer: Yes it does. It is your standard household plug that is used with most US appliances.
Answer: Mine one does, I am in the states too
Answer: Yes I am in the U.S.
Answer: Yes
I'd like to know if it can seal waxed paper. Please let me know. Thanks
Answer: It will sell it together but it will accumulate wax on your heat strip, which may cause it to burn out faster
I wanted to seal the coat hanger hole of plastic bags from the dry cleaners and use the bags as can liners. Would this heat sealer do the job?
Answer: It should ! , Set it to 2, if it doesn't seal try setting 3. The liner is so thin, that it may burn a hole if too hot. If temperature is too low, you could try higher. This sealer is very sufficient for most bags
Answer: It most certainly will fuse polyethylene bags
Answer: Yes it will but you will have to set it on a light heat setting
What is the highest temperature the machine reaches?
Answer: I don't know because the temperature is not listed on the device or on any manual but I've been impressed with how it works. I tried it on a Gladd garbage bag and it sealed it well.
Answer: Honestly I'm not sure we use it to seal plastic bags and only have it set on level 2 of 7. It only turns
will this item properly seal foam or bubble wrap?
Answer: no, i use it daily and it is very tricky to use with thin mylar food grade bags, even on low it tends to burn thru to easily and quickly, it would burn thru rather than seal foam or bubble wrap.
what size is the sealing strip?
Answer: sealing strip-5"(130mm)
Answer: 8 inches, I use 6 inch bags with no problems.
Does it seal a bag with an sugar cane paper exterior and corn plastic interior?
Answer: can be used to seal kel-f, mylar, polyflex, p.v.a., polyethylene, polyurethane, polyvinylchloride.
Can this work with mylar bags?
Answer: Maybe not sure... I use it for sealing cellophane bags in soap making . Hope this is helpful .
Answer: Yes
will this seal wax paper
Answer: Thank you for your question
Answer: I do not think it is meant to seal waxed paper but rather plastic. It gets hot really fast and I would worry that it would burn rather than seal wax paper.
Answer: I have no idea. It's very hot, so it might make a complete mess and "gum up" the device. I am sure I would even try it. Try a Heat Gun that is used to shrink wrap gift items. We use a heat gun for things like this. If a heat gun doesn't work, neither would this. Hope this helps a little!
Answer: No, it does not
Answer: No, it won't.
Answer: Sorry, im not sure. Better ask to the saler company
I use an iron to seal the edges of a muslin bag. Can this product do this and, if so, what temperature do you recommend?
Answer: I am not sure but I do not see why it would not work. I would try it on a low to medium setting and increase if the heat if you need to.
Can I use this on Kraft stand up bags?
Answer: Not sure what a Kraft stand up bag is, however, I use it on generic Ziploc bags I buy at the grocery store. It states that you can adjust the setting for different thicknesses of different bags, but I found the factory setting was perfect for my needs. Hope this helps.
Answer: Hi dear Karen,
Answer: I don't think so. It's mainly for shrink wrap bags
Answer: I think you could, as long as they are sealable.
Can this be used to seal/fuse grocery bags?
Answer: Hi,
Answer: Not sure but I suspect the plastic in the bags may be too thick.
I wanted to know from the owners if Metal or Plastic?
Answer: Heavy duty metal
Could this be used to help extend the shelf life of homemade food items sold at a farmers market?
Answer: it will seal the bag but will not vacuum air out
Answer: No, it doesn't vacuum, just seal.
Answer: i think so
Does this work with 220V output?
Answer: No it does not 220 requires a different plug
What is the Impulse Power and the Sealing Width?
Answer: Electric/plugs into wall; 8in
I'm looking for a new rubber pad for the arm top of the sealer. Mine has burn marks in it. . Any suggestions where I can find one?
Answer: http://www.amazon.com/Inches-Impulse-Sealer-Replacement-Repairs/dp/B002T52UFM
Hi, this seals aluminium bags? For dried fruits for example.
Answer: I have used this on the aluminum heat seal bags (the have a zip lock seal and then you seal above that part)
Answer: I don't know. I use shrink wrap bags. To shrink wrap cds
Answer: I've only used it for plastic bags.
Answer: Yes I use it for that purpose and it works just fine
Answer: Yest it will work fine
Does this work better than an iron for sealing refillable paper tea bags?
Answer: I've never used an iron, and only used this sealer for cello bags and it works great.
Answer: These machines are intended to seal plastic materials
Is this just the sealer kit or is this the actual sealer?
Answer: Its the actual sealer and it comes with an extra kit.
Answer: It's a sealer which comes with a kit to replace the element if it fails. I never had a chance to replace the element, mine caught on fire the first day I used it, and I threw it in the trash.
Answer: It is the sealer.
Answer: Thank you!
If you wanted a very tight seal on something, could you use shrink-wrap bags in this, and then shrink them? Or does this somehow eliminate the air?
Answer: This does not eliminate the air. It simply seals a plastic bag, and not any plastic bag. Make sure the bad you select works with a heat sealer. It does make a tight seal. I use mine on mylar balloons.
Answer: Hello actually this sealed but does not take air out. The quality of the seal I would not trust under pressure
Is it important to get the exact size for the bags you're sealing? My bags are 2.5" wide . What happens if I use a bigger sealer than I need?
Answer: I would say it is not critical to get a size to match your bags. Our sealer could accommodate an 11 inch bag. our biggest bag has a mouth of 6 inches and smallest bag has a 3 inch mouth. The sealer works great. Just make sure the sealer is as big or bigger than the seal you are wanting to make.
Answer: It's ok to use a bigger sealer because you just place what you're sealing and then press it down. I used to use a 12 inch sealer to seal 5" bags but bought this one after.
Answer: It works any size or with of bags your sealing. If its smaller it okay plus it comes with extra sealing coils.
Answer: Hello Fairah. No it doesn't matter if you use a bigger sealer. The bags I use are about the same width and I'm ok with that. At least with this sealer you have enough room for wider bags should you have those sizes too. I'm very happy with my sealer. It does the job perfectly. Hope this helps.
The sealer in the photo is iron/metal body. Is the sealer received metal or plastic?
Answer: The item pictured is an exact representation of the item received. This is an extremely well made machine, obviously designed for commercial use. The body is metal and very sturdy.
Answer: The sealer we received is metal. It has been very reliable.
Answer: The one that I received was plastic. I sent it back because it was badly cracked and scuffed upon arrival. I have since received a new one that is plastic as well, but it works very well.
Answer: Metal
Answer: metal
Product reviews of 8" (200mm) Impulse Manual Bag Sealer Heat Seal Closer + Free KIT
robert damelio : Returned
Sending back stopped working after 4 bags
SC : Works Great.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this thing! I bought this to seal goodie bags for treats I bake during the holidays. After the first set of treats, I've been looking for excuses to play with it.
It sealed MOST things I tried. Chip bags were a little difficult because of the chips and grease residue. (i think)
the thin bags sealed QUICK. Most items did. And I learned that, at the right setting, if you time it right, when you pull the bag as you release it, it will definitely cut it for you.
RebaRock : Lasted 4 months - waste of money
I have been using this for about 6 months and it is great. Easy to find the appropriate heat setting and works every time. I was worried about the learning curve as far as figuring out how long to hold down the top piece to melt my plastic and create a seal but it was very easy.
I did have twice this week that I pushed the top part down and no seal was made. I'm not sure if that was just a fluke? If I have more problems I will update this review!
UPDATE: Yep, definitely won't work anymore. Purchased in February and it is July now. Waste of money, don't buy
Nancy S : Works fine!
I have used this to seal ziplock baggies, dollar treat bags, and cellophane sheets. I usually have it at a #3 setting and hold it for 6 seconds on the treat bags. Experiment and when you test a new type of bag. I love using this sealer on my custom orders.
kristina sinsmeister : I love this one!
this is the bomb!!!!!!
it seals the packages closed if set on the correct setting and wont burn through if not set too high.. good for sealing up chips and almost everything,,. every home should have one/
dobiegirls : Honey Sticks
I use to seal my honey sticks. Also use to seal bags for my body products - samples, bath salt refills, etc.
Would be handy if there was a temp selection. Some bags are quite thin and require a lower temp. Love it!
Little T : This is a great product. Do yourself the favor and buy the ...
This is a great product. Do yourself the favor and buy the additional heat strips. I sealed about 100 cookies and the stripped burned pretty evenly. it comes with 2 so if you will use this as much as I do you will need the additional ones. Great product for the price. You should also look into the one that cuts off the extras.
Jay : Solid value good quality
Excellent bag sealer. I have used it for sealing bags of food to freeze and also for making honey draws. Time adjustment for melting various thickness.
jose de la cruz : this is a great sealer you got to be careful using it or ...
this is a great sealer you got to be careful using it or you will break the heating coil underneath. once you learn to give it a rest after continuous use it can become a great tool for sealing and storing things.
Nick : I wish I'd gotten it sooner!
This is the best price for one of these I've found. I'm really pleased with the seal, I started with a low '1' setting and moved up to '2'. that's it. takes a moment to align the bag and a moment to press the handle, a small clicking sound, wait a second and it's done.
It comes with 2 sets of replacement parts.
I will use it for my home business.
One thing that I thought was it would stink like plastic chemicals when I was running it, but it never did. I am glad for that!
The instructions are poorly translated but that doesn't really matter, they are simple enough to understand even if the translator didn't mind their p's & q's.
Amazon Customer : Okay
Great but liner wears off and can leave pieces on whatever you are heat sealing.
Nemma Estrada : 8" impulse manual sealer bag
I love my heat sealer! It arrived sooner than I thought and it works beautifully. I use it to seal my tea bags and the setting number I've used is '3'. It does the work and I have no problem with it. I also have a soap business and I used the same heat setting of '3' to seal up shrink bags and it works just fine. so far so good. My only concern is the actual directions that came with the item. Broken English. the wording was confusing, but I guess it was directly translated from a different language to English. Other than that no problem at all.
Crystal : Great Product
No issues, works exactly as described. Bought as a gift and ended up purchasing a second one for my own personal use...had to have one too.
dc : Good sealer
Had a cheaper orange plastic sealer that is sold on here on amazon. It was a POS. This one is much better. It still is a little cheap feeling, but it leaves a good, narrow seal. It's consistent and has worked well so far.
Kevin G. : Pretty good
It'd probably be a good idea to get a 12" or larger impulse sealer unless you're certain that you'll only be sealing stuff that's a little bit shorter than a gallon ziplock length (or are willing to play around with multiple seals to get a full seal.) The temperature adjuster is accurate, but the knob is not well marked so it takes a bit of effort to make sure you have the 'tic' on the knob on the setting you want it at. If you're only sealing one sort of bag, once you get it dialed in it can just stay set. If you're sealing multiple types of plastic, with a bit of practice you'll get pretty good at guessing the heat setting needed.
dobiegirls : Honey Sticks
I use to seal my honey sticks. Also use to seal bags for my body products - samples, bath salt refills, etc.
Would be handy if there was a temp selection. Some bags are quite thin and require a lower temp. Love it!
Joe Izaguirre : quality is shady at best. The dial in the front is only a ...
Very low power to seal coffee bags; takes 12 seconds to get a marginal seal. This was the second product; quality is shady at best. The dial in the front is only a timer not a temp control time at cutting off when it reaches the 1-8 seconds (this feature only worked on one of the two). Recommend a more reliable name brand
SnarkyTexan : Recommend for Perfectly Posh Consultants for Mylar Bag Samples
As a Perfectly Posh consultant, I was using lacons. Little plastic containers, to share products. Then someone discovered mylar bags. What do you use to seal those? A heat sealer. This thing is perfect. Even if you get some product in the wrong place, this heat sealer will not have a problem with it. I've used a hair straightener to seal before and it would just not seal if there was any product in the way of where I wanted to seal. This thing has no issues there. I also use it to seal bags of food if I need to. It also comes with a spare wire kit so when the first stops working, I have a backup without having to order. The timer works perfectly. I've even been able to seal 2 bags at once if I take my time. The heat sealer with the mylar bag makes my samples look professional and I love how they look. In my opinion, it's less messy too. I have a friend with a smaller sealer that's more "portable" and said it wouldn't seal the bags very well. I tried and had little success. This baby does the trick. I recommend this for consultants for sure.
James P Schmitt : Minimum value
While this product is functional there is one significant problem. It operates on 110 volt 60 cycle power (plugs in the wall socket) it has no UL label or manufactures identification. Use by a third party could present major problems..
Noah : Cheaply made and ineffective
I have to seal both sides of my bags to guarantee a complete seal. The heating element creases in one place and, after sealing about 100 bags a week, I've gone through 3 elements in the space of two months. Ridiculously cheap. Definitely worth shelling out for a more expensive sealer that can seal in one press and can actually handle being used often.
Kinj : Don't buy! Fire Hazard!
This sealer is not worth the money! I just used it, and it worked on the first two bags sealing them all the way across. After that, it only sealed half of the bag across. If I leave it on longer, one side of it melts while the other side still doesn't seal. Basically it heats unevenly. Also, both ends of the heating/sealing part start to burn and smoke which seams like a fire hazard to me! I guess I'll have to buy a new one that actually works. Too bad I already wasted money on this one.
Clayton Parks : good sealer
Nice sealer for the money. My daughter used for sealing up some cookies she was baking.
Helena Reynolds : Love, love, love it!
Love, love, love it! This machine is great for packaging items and sealing them in anticipating of shipping. If you forget to unplug it, it's fine. Does not actually heat up and seems to be fairly safe around kids and pets.
Melissa B : Pretty good critter.
Purchased in 2013. I have packaged probably 50+ bath bombs and 1000+ soap bars with it in that time. I have just purchased my 3rd set of replacement wires. I can't do without it. I was skeptical about it for the price but in looking back...it's been a great purchase. Very happy with it.
FarmGirl : Bummed!
This is what I needed for my bakery company but it was just thrown in a box , the box wasn’t taped so it had fallen out it was dirty and scratched. After about 2 weeks of use the fabric piece they have laying on the surface has peeled up and is giving problems and makes it hard to use...
Sam : Great item
Easy to use and works great
Very good buy
Gwendys Goodies : Great product for a reasonable price
This was the perfect answer to our bag sealing needs at our bakery. Easy to adjust to get the perfect seal for our individually wrapped cookies.
Helena Reynolds : Love, love, love it!
Love, love, love it! This machine is great for packaging items and sealing them in anticipating of shipping. If you forget to unplug it, it's fine. Does not actually heat up and seems to be fairly safe around kids and pets.
Clayton Parks : good sealer
Nice sealer for the money. My daughter used for sealing up some cookies she was baking.
SnarkyTexan : Recommend for Perfectly Posh Consultants for Mylar Bag Samples
As a Perfectly Posh consultant, I was using lacons. Little plastic containers, to share products. Then someone discovered mylar bags. What do you use to seal those? A heat sealer. This thing is perfect. Even if you get some product in the wrong place, this heat sealer will not have a problem with it. I've used a hair straightener to seal before and it would just not seal if there was any product in the way of where I wanted to seal. This thing has no issues there. I also use it to seal bags of food if I need to. It also comes with a spare wire kit so when the first stops working, I have a backup without having to order. The timer works perfectly. I've even been able to seal 2 bags at once if I take my time. The heat sealer with the mylar bag makes my samples look professional and I love how they look. In my opinion, it's less messy too. I have a friend with a smaller sealer that's more "portable" and said it wouldn't seal the bags very well. I tried and had little success. This baby does the trick. I recommend this for consultants for sure.
Gwendys Goodies : Great product for a reasonable price
This was the perfect answer to our bag sealing needs at our bakery. Easy to adjust to get the perfect seal for our individually wrapped cookies.
kristina sinsmeister : I love this one!
this is the bomb!!!!!!
it seals the packages closed if set on the correct setting and wont burn through if not set too high.. good for sealing up chips and almost everything,,. every home should have one/
Stephanie : Not a good product...
This product came with extra metal strips that burn out rather quickly. The worse part about this item is that 3 of the 4 screws that are needed to replace the metal conductor strips are stripped!!!! This makes it nearly impossible to change it out. Highly frustrated with this item.
AMZ addiction : Not even turning ON
First i read the instructions. Worst instructions I ever read written in poor English.
Than i tried to turn the unit ON and it was dead.
Very disappointed
JMac : Very easy to use!
As a seller, I really like to reseal/seal all my products. With this product, I can seal my little bags and they look very professional. They seal very well. At times, they don't seal completely and I have to double seal it, but overall it works great. I've been using it very often and it hasn't broken down on me yet. I am really happy with this product.
Smartinup : Works great.
Works great when used with shrink wrap bags for packaging bath bombs and soaps. Provides a strong and complete seal every time.
Nicki : So quick and handy!
This sealer arrived quickly and in perfect condition. I use it to make small mylar sample "bags" for essential oil samples. It is quick, silent, and effective. There was an extra conductor element in the case which I have not yet needed to use, but am thankful to have when I do eventually need it. I recommend this frequently.
Prime user : Heater seal bagger work great!
Product worked very well, but the instructions need a bit of a rewrite. The control dial is numbered however, there is no reference to the numbers. The directions are poorly written/translated in English with no specifics on setting the control timer. You will have to do a few practice runs to get it set to the best spot for the material that you are using. Once I figured that out it worked perfectly.
Austin : works fine so far
works fine so far. I have only had it for a few days. The instructions were clearly written by someone that speaks English as a second language and never bothered to have anything proof read. Here is an excerpt from the instructions you will receive with this product. "Non-tighten seal is because of the too short heat time, please regulating it toward to directions for Longer." That was one of the more decipherable instructions. It doesn't matter too much though. The thing is pretty self explanatory and has worked well for the short time I have used it.
Emily : Is fine until it’s not
I loved this item, used it often for my cookie business. Then, one night, at 1am, when I had about 200 cookies to package it just STOPPED. It seems like something that shouldn’t happen as I don’t use it so frequently that it could possibly be done working. I took 2020 off, and bought it in late 2019, so I’m baffled and obviously highly annoyed. I’d spend more and get something more durable & dependable
Starbuck : Economical and effective
This will get the job done. It is a very simple process to seal the bag and the product is reliable. The instructions appear to have been translated by someone who doesn't speak English, so I got assistance in figuring it out. Well made and heavy-duty product.
SnarkyTexan : Recommend for Perfectly Posh Consultants for Mylar Bag Samples
As a Perfectly Posh consultant, I was using lacons. Little plastic containers, to share products. Then someone discovered mylar bags. What do you use to seal those? A heat sealer. This thing is perfect. Even if you get some product in the wrong place, this heat sealer will not have a problem with it. I've used a hair straightener to seal before and it would just not seal if there was any product in the way of where I wanted to seal. This thing has no issues there. I also use it to seal bags of food if I need to. It also comes with a spare wire kit so when the first stops working, I have a backup without having to order. The timer works perfectly. I've even been able to seal 2 bags at once if I take my time. The heat sealer with the mylar bag makes my samples look professional and I love how they look. In my opinion, it's less messy too. I have a friend with a smaller sealer that's more "portable" and said it wouldn't seal the bags very well. I tried and had little success. This baby does the trick. I recommend this for consultants for sure.
max : This thing works like a charm I love it
This thing works like a charm I love it! Thought it would be tricky to manipulate but its not. Only thing it says leave plugged in but I don't do that have no need to. I'd recommended it to any small business owner that needs to seal their bags I use it to seal my pouches for my refill body creams and scrubs..
RebaRock : Lasted 4 months - waste of money
I have been using this for about 6 months and it is great. Easy to find the appropriate heat setting and works every time. I was worried about the learning curve as far as figuring out how long to hold down the top piece to melt my plastic and create a seal but it was very easy.
I did have twice this week that I pushed the top part down and no seal was made. I'm not sure if that was just a fluke? If I have more problems I will update this review!
UPDATE: Yep, definitely won't work anymore. Purchased in February and it is July now. Waste of money, don't buy
Scott W. Kotzur : Stellar sealer
Works like a charm. Much cheaper than some other brands and works fine. Comes with a few extra heating elements and heat dissipators too, although I haven't needed to replace either. Has a gauge to adjust temperature/duration. Leaves a relatively narrow seal. I like to hit it several times and leave two or three parallel seals to ensure that it's airtight, but that's just a precaution. I'm sure one is sufficient.
Phillip S. : Well-made, durable product, a little tricky to properly use, but no great learning curve. Good quality, good price.
A well-working product, you get exactly what is advertised. I just want to encourage people to not confuse this product with a vacuum-sealer product. Essentially, if you have a hair straightener in your bathroom closet then you can perform the same operation that this machine does, except for free. It simply melts a straight line across a plastic bag which is no longer than 8" wide. Also, be careful to lay flat the plastic bag where you are going to seal it, it's very easy to not make the bag air-tight, especially if you're using a bag 8" or 7" wide. All in all, a very durable, well-made, well-priced product. If this is what you're looking for than this is a good choice.
Medicated Madame : Product didn't work
Instructions are written very poorly. I received a faulty unit, it doesn't work at all. ...this should be checked before sending it out. Bad business
JamesN808 : Good sealer for small bags
Worked very well in sealing a couple hundred bags for a fund raiser. I liked that the sealer only turned on when depressed and really gave off very little heat otherwise. The seal itself was solid and air tight. We only used it on a small cellophane bag as the width is limited but again for small projects it worked very well. The heat setting was adjustable for different bag thicknesses. Price was reasonable for purpose.
String Expo : A+
What a great product. Exactly what I expected. One thing to keep in mind when buying this is that is it the 200 version and won't cut all bags, just seal them. In order for the machine to cut them you need to raise the temp (which is easily done). I am very impressed with this purchase and it has already earned it's place in my office.
Dan R. : Perfect, except timer limits
The teflon strip on top of wire is great, keeps everything clean.
The timer knob however isn't very adjustable. The lowest setting seems to be for saran wrap, while the highest can't even damage a basic ziplock sandwich bag from CostCo. I worry that freezer bags, and thicker mils are going to be an issue and require multiple heat-seals on the same seam.
The metal body is dated, but reminds us that this is commercial grade, a car could drive over this thing while I'm heat-sealing hamburger patties for lunch.
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