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How can i hold a pickerel? 2025

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

i dont have one of those boag style lip grips, but i was thinking about holding it with a pair of vise grips set so that they dont close all the way, but almost, that way if the fish is thrashing and i squeeze the pliers hard, they wont close any further, and wont hurt the fish.

but what is a safe way for me to hold those slimy fiesty fish?

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I use my hand and I hold them around the body.  

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

ok. well when i tried that they are so slippery and skinny and they thrash around so much that they just slide right thru my grip.

fishing user avatarJKay reply : 

I ordered one of these from Cabelas for our toothy friends.  Can't wait to give it a try in the next month or so.  Sorry couldn't post the link due to the rules.  Search Cabelas under:

The Fish Grip Fish Holder



fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
ok. well when i tried that they are so slippery and skinny and they thrash around so much that they just slide right thru my grip.

Squeeze it like you mean it or try using a towel to grip it with.

fishing user avatarCory N reply : 

They are so slimy and never stop squirming! They've put so many trebles into my hand with that unexpected shake.

I grabbed an old pair of gardening gloves from mom this summer.  They give a non slip grip and some tooth protection, more for grip.  I grab em right behind the head, don't squeeze too hard because sometimes they make a croaking sound...then I think they croak a little while after you release them.

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

This is how I do it:

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 
This is how I do it:

Done like a true pro!

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Cool videos Daniel, I watched them all. 8-)

fishing user avatarYakfish reply : 
They are so slimy and never stop squirming! They've put so many trebles into my hand with that unexpected shake.

I grabbed an old pair of gardening gloves from mom this summer. They give a non slip grip and some tooth protection, more for grip. I grab em right behind the head, don't squeeze too hard because sometimes they make a croaking sound...then I think they croak a little while after you release them.

The gardening glove with a textured palm works great but I'll probably be picking up a lip gripper because a place I fished a few times last year had some that were a little too big around to get a good grip on. The croaking sound (sounds more like a heavy breath being let out to me) is kinda freaky. Nasty fish, glad I'm not swimming around with them. :o

fishing user avatardave reply : 

Try with your right hand.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

Grip it just behind the head (as the (other) picture indicates) with a towel or an old leather glove.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

sounds like behind the head with a firm grip is the way to go. thanks guys! i'll let you know how it goes when i get back tomorrow (if i catch any). will have pics. :D

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Get bigger hands and pinch with a firm grip.  Works for any slender bodied fish.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

Hold like this

fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 

This happens to me to sometimes. I either grab hold of them and squeeze them till they croak or if they are bigger and I cant get my hand around them I hold them under the jaw like this.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I found that if I could get my hand under the belly and lift straight up they just freeze.   When removing the hook I always hold both gill plates closed, and hold tight.

fishing user avatarPerfect Hook Set reply : 

Don't use a towel, its best to not take of their "slime."

Don't hold their gills shut either

I would suggest doing it similar to Mrs Matstone, though I slide my fingers through the side of the gills...

Usually especially the bigger picks, you are able to hold pretty tight without killing it...

When releasing grab near the back fin and right behind its gills and the release.

fishing user avatarKorea_Bassin reply : 

I don't know if these are any good or not since I've never used them but I  remembered this thread when I saw it so I figured I'd go ahead and post it.

fishing user avatarmaxke01 reply : 

i put the fish on my knee and hold it just behind the head

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

I use a plair of plyers. lol

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Dave what ever you do :NEVER < NEVER PUT YOUR BARE HAND NEAR THEIR MOUTHS! No matter how stable you think you have em, they move very fast and they bite; I know this from 2 hospital trips, alays use a long pair of pliers,

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 
I use a plair of plyers. lol

LOL, Either like this:


Or, my buddy Rick:



fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Wacky rigged Pickerel ;D

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 
Wacky rigged Pickerel ;D

Thought he had the new state record bass with that one....what a let down.....

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

I slice them thin and put them on top of the burger.....oops, sorry about that. I thought you said pickle:o) As already recommended: behind the head for smaller ones and through the gills for the larger beasts. And as muddy said: watch out 'cause they can deliver a severe bite! I'd never handle a large one without some kind of leather or thick rubber gloves on for protection.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 
Hey Dave what ever you do :NEVER < NEVER PUT YOUR BARE HAND NEAR THEIR MOUTHS! No matter how stable you think you have em, they move very fast and they bite; I know this from 2 hospital trips, alays use a long pair of pliers,

yup i learned that the hard way too  ::)


fishing user avatarRed reply : 

yes behind the head is good, and you might want to get these to go with your pliers for removing hooks, they work great!;jsessionid=NDSRPNIP3QNH1LAQBBJCCONMCAEFGIWE?id=0002086119251a&type=product&cmCat=pricegrabber&cm_ven=data_feed&cm_cat=pricegrabber&cm_pla=0250709&cm_ite=0002086119251a&_requestid=99480


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