It's a 1988 Tracker Pro-17. Aluminum Modified V-hull. 45hp "Classic fifty" Mercury motor (45ELPTO from what I can gather). 1 livewell, single side console, in other words it is a new level of awesome.
Current list of to-dos:
-Redeck/recarpet the front
-Refloor/recarpet the middle
-Recarpet the rear
-Rewire/organize the console
-Figure out the starter issue
-Put Alex's trolling motor on
-Replace the corroded fuse panel
-Figure out why the steering is seized
-Mount the pedestal seat on the front deck
-Setup the lighting
-Figure out why the throttle wont go in reverse
-Setup some rod storage
-Fire extinguisher
-Carpet the runners on the trailer
-Decide on a fish-finder setup
Future to-dos:
-Second livewell?
-Integrated cooler 8-)
-Put a cd player where the tape deck was and replace the speakers
-Put on our awesome animal horn/PA system
We started redecking the front on Sunday. We decided to use birch and coat it in fiberglass resin/hardener to help water seal it. It's pretty much ready to lay on and screw on, then carpet. The trolling motor that is on it is in pretty bad shape, the prop is destroyed and the shaft looks bent. Starter motor has an "issue". Alex says there's some corroded and broken wires/contacts so he's going to try and replace those this week. Tracker is emailing us wiring diagrams too so we should be able to double check the ignition setup to make sure it's good to go. The livewell pump and bilge pump both work but the switches don't so we may have to rewire or replace the switches to those. Power tilt and trim works so we don't have to screw with that.
It's a joint project between me and Alex (fatmanslim247 here on BR). Any ideas, feedback, etc. would be appreciated 8-)
im ready to get this on the water....
Sounds like a plan. Good luck.
Looks like a great project! How much did you guys score that for? Keep us posted as you progress!
A whopping $600! It was a heck of a deal, the guy had it sitting for a longggg time and just needed to get rid of it.
Man six hundred bucks for that was a steal! Looks like a good project boat to me. Not to mention at that price you can afford to get some extra goodies like a new fish finder 8-) Keep us posted on how it turns out.
1. Install a circuit breaker from the batteries to the electrical equipment.
2. Install an upgraded sonar and WASS system.
3. If you have the space, go for a 24-volt, three-battery system for your trolling motor.
4. Stainless steel motor prop can give you 10% more speed.
5. Make sure the "low oil" alarm works on the motor.
6. Install a better grade battery charger.
Have fun.
QuoteSuggestions1. Install a circuit breaker from the batteries to the electrical equipment.
2. Install an upgraded sonar and WASS system.
3. If you have the space, go for a 24-volt, three-battery system for your trolling motor.
4. Stainless steel motor prop can give you 10% more speed.
5. Make sure the "low oil" alarm works on the motor.
6. Install a better grade battery charger.
Have fun.
-I've done a lot of car audio and heard that circuit breakers deteriorate over time (after they're flipped so many times they lose they effectiveness), so I think I'm going to go with a fuse setup but I'm unsure still.
-There's already a SS prop on it, I left that out :-[
-We haven't decided on an electrical system yet but I'll keep that in mind (I'm not sure if our TM we're putting on can do 24v...)
-We're going to use Alex's hummingbird fishfinder, and I think we MAY invest in a gps/fish finder combo for the console but we're unsure on that.
-The low oil buzzer should sound a "test" buzz when it's started, if not I'll know we need to service it 8-)
Thanks for the tips, I appreciate it
Nuclear, why on earth are you tearing my boat apart? I just got that thing set up the way I wanted it! ;D
Honestly, that boat of yours is a twin to mine, but mine was in much better shape when I bought it. My decks were in good shape so there was no need to replace them. That's why it's great to see your photos with the decks removed. Sometime this year I want to extend the front deck back to the console and install a rod locker in the center. Basedf on your photos, it looks like it's feasible. What's your opinion?
QuoteNuclear, why on earth are you tearing my boat apart? I just got that thing set up the way I wanted it! ;DHonestly, that boat of yours is a twin to mine, but mine was in much better shape when I bought it. My decks were in good shape so there was no need to replace them. That's why it's great to see your photos with the decks removed. Sometime this year I want to extend the front deck back to the console and install a rod locker in the center. Basedf on your photos, it looks like it's feasible. What's your opinion?
Oh no!! ;D Alex kept going on about how he wanted to extend the front deck back to the console and I kept yelling about how I didn't think it was worth the extra 10" or so we'd get from it. Feasible? Probably... There's a piece of aluminum at the rear of the front deck that I believe we somehow determined was a fairly important piece of structure so as long as your extension and rod locker doesn't involve tearing that up too much, it would probably work out just fine. My only disappoint with this boat is the lack of storage, I have no idea where we will put rod holders...
$600???? I'll give ya $601 AS IS, no questions asked. Man I hope I luck into that kind of deal when I get back to Indiana!!! My Boss used to have an aluminum Bass Tracker that he gave to his son when he bought his new Skeeter. He said for what I need, a Bass Tracker would do very nicely. You got a great bargain there, IMO:o)
Nuclear, we need to start talking one on one. PM will be sent shortly.
whats that a longer deck???? I've always wanted one of those, hopefully this weekend the motor will be running, and if we need to extend the deck on it we can.
Right now the only thing im really worried about is getting the wiring hooked up. Tracker said they were going to email me the pdf of the whole wiring system on the boat, so hopefully that pans out. I would love to go to a 24v system but thats more money on top of what we have to put into it already. Maybe next year, I just want to get it going on the water so I can go fast and catch fish. My little 14 footer went just a tad slow with three 200 plus pound guys in it, with just a 9.5 horse johnson.
What a kool project boat. I hope I can find one like that some day.
Good luck and keep us posted !!!!
I'm still out of town so I haven't got to do any work on the boat. fatmanslim pulled the middle floor out but now he's at school like 250 miles from home so the boat is untouched for a couple weeks until spring break. Next order of business is to sort out the steering situation and get a new starter on while we continue to finish the flooring. 8-)
Keep yall posted
I am going to extend the deck out on my 1989 Tracker this weekend. By moving the console back 2" we will be adding almost 14" to the front deck. Enough for two people to stand up there and pitch without bumping into each other.
QuoteI am going to extend the deck out on my 1989 Tracker this weekend. By moving the console back 2" we will be adding almost 14" to the front deck. Enough for two people to stand up there and pitch without bumping into each other.
Don't push my partner's ideas further... ;D Could you show us some pics of it? I'm curious to see how you do it 8-)
Yeah I'll try to remember my camera. Should have quite a few pics since there will be a couple projects that day. We are also adding a CMC PT-130 power tilt & trim. The console is just screwed into the floor using self-tappers, then just slide it back to where you want it.
Just an update, we have the console wiring pretty much figured out. We have the front and middle decks cut and sealed, just waiting to do carpet. Well the bad news... pretty much we need a new tilt tube and cable, we have beat the crap out of it and it has moved maybe a 1/2 inch. About the only thing really holding us back on this boat is the fact that were both in college and away from the boat and are usually broke.
Vintage If 88 is vintage. My 76 Ranger must be from the stone age ;D ;D
Everything is solid so it must have been made of stone ;D ;D
Tight lines Guys
BAck from the DEAD! I will be just laying the decks up later this week and getting the new starter put in and further testing the motor and seeing if it needs anything else. I will post up pics later this week.
I was wondering about the carb? Hope your stars are aligned just right and all you have to do is clean it good . Have been looking at older used boat. Fella says it has been sitting for several (pretty relative term :-/). Worried about fuel system
As Ever,
QuoteI was wondering about the carb? Hope your stars are aligned just right and all you have to do is clean it good. Have been looking at older used boat. Fella says it has been sitting for several (pretty relative term :-/). Worried about fuel system
As Ever,
We are hoping for the same. I imagine at best we will have to clean em, at worst: get them rebuilt.
I've sourced a tilt tube. The steering cable is seized in there pretty well and also we've torn up the tube trying to get the cable out so we need to replace that and the cable. Soon we also need to check out the throttle control, it refuses to go in reverse.
It's coming together though 8-)
When all else fails, and your frustration is at the maximum, give me a call and we'll go fishing in my boat.
A little bit at a time! One foot in front of the other ! Ya'll have found the secret my friend! Thinking REALLY hard about the one we spoke of...
As Ever,
QuoteA little bit at a time! One foot in front of the other! Ya'll have found the secret my friend! Thinking REALLY hard about the one we spoke of...
As Ever,
Get it man! If the price is right and the hull is nice you don't have much to lose.
I went into this project knowing that even if the motor was totally toasted, and all the decking was demolished, and all the wiring was toast: I was still getting a good hull in good working condition that we could fix ourselves (the way we see fit!). It's the best way to do it on a budget boat in my opinion...
Long mike! I'm jealous Alex got to go fish with ya. I'll try and make a trip down there this Summer so I can outfish you! ;D
I'm going to buy a tilt tube and steering cable as soon as I can get this cash into my bank account. That should put us pretty close to havin this puppy on the water!! 8-)
Well I went and picked up the boat from where we we're storing it, me and my lil big brother (he is younger than me but is an inch taller and about 40 pounds heaver) are going to lay the decking down and put the starter on tomorrow. Hopefully we can get the beast to start up and see what else we need. If jay gets that tilt tube and steering cable then hopefully i can go ahead and put that on before he gets back from pittsburg state. I'm going to take some pics tomorrow and post them, weather permitting, I'm atleast getting the starter on.
Alex ordered the wrong starter motor ;D D'oh!!
We'll get that exchanged and take care of the tilt tube and steering cable and should be ready to rumble soon.