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Picked up my new ride today! 2025

fishing user avatardone reply : 

Got an 09 Tracker 175 txw. I an totally stoked, cannot wait to get this thing out on the water this weekend.

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 

What no pics? That's cool though. I felt the same way when I bought my boat.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

Which engine did you get?

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Congratulations!  Give us the details, M Starr!

fishing user avatardan1942 reply : 

I am jealous! I have been looking at that at our BPS

fishing user avatarRand reply : 

Congrats! Buddy and I have '07 Tracker 170TX with a 50HP Merc. Love it. You should be very pleased.



fishing user avatarBull Hurley reply : 

Don't forget you can't just go take off in it, the motor has to be broken in properly to last.  

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I hope you max'ed the HP.

Have fun loading it up.

fishing user avatardone reply : 

LOL. i will get some pics out soon. I sent up that post then ran out the door into the truck and took it for the shake down cruise/break in.

It is the red color, I got the 60 HP 4 stroke, got it up to about 35 mph once I figured out how to trim it right. Man, it is nice. I have been eying it for about a year at BPS. Finally, decided it was time.

With the motor break in I only got a little time to actually fish, but it was nice. Getting out there up in front, even sitting down, quite a difference from my jon. Really nice boat.

fishing user avatarTopDog reply : 

Congrats on the ride man!  Very sweet motor too!

fishing user avatarxyzman reply : 

congrats dude.  I'm hoping to get one too.  Let me know how it handles rough water.

fishing user avatarDawsonH reply : 

Dude i hope you didn't top it out on the break in cruise because um...that voids the warranty. Please say you didn't.

fishing user avatardone reply : 
Dude i hope you didn't top it out on the break in cruise because um...that voids the warranty. Please say you didn't.

NO worries, we followed the break in listed in the engine manual to the letter (actually kept it out on the seat next to me LOL). First hour vary speed never going higher than 3500 RPMs (never went above 3000), Second hour same thing, keeping it below 4500, except every 10 minutes take it full throttle for 60 seconds.

Now I am in the 3 step, for the next 8 hours, do not fun at full throttle for more than 5 minutes (I won't go over 4 minutes).

That first hour was hell, I SOOOO wanted to slam the throttle up full. I resisted the urge looking forward to the 1 minute intervals in the second hour.

Got it out today with the wife for a 3 hour cruise. Saturdays mid-day you can count on serious wake. I wanted to take it out and see how it did, how it handled and see if there were any issues with the welds on the hull. Ran great! Scared the heck out of my wife, but really worked the hull (nothing sick but I used it, it they are bad welds I want to find out now before it is winter).

Only got about 30 minutes of fishing time but spent my time scooting around the lake, getting to know the handling a bit and using the fish finder to scope out fishing spots I have not been able to reach to date.

Tomorrow I am planning on getting out with 2 of my young ones for a long fishing excursion. Hopefully, we can get the first fish in the boat.

fishing user avatardone reply : 

Also to their credit, while I did go through the break in with my 4 stroke on my jon, the Tracker guys were VERY big on walking me through the break in period. They went through it like 4 times. Personally, this motor was easier than my 8 HP. My 8 HP had no RPM gauge. You could not tell what the RPMs were so it went by 1/2 throttle, 3/4 throttle, etc. Was almost the same process as the 60. The 8 did not have the 1 minute full throttle bursts though.

fishing user avatardone reply : 

First of the pics.  I got my little fishing partners approval with it today and got the first 6 fish caught in it:


fishing user avatarunhbass37 reply : 

Cool boat congrats. I have a 89 Bass Tracker Pro 18 40hp force with dual console and love the thing. Tracker marine makes nice boats.

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Cool deal, congrats!

Just got the O.K. from the wife to buy that same boat in the spring. Looking at the 50hp 2 stroke.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

What is that raised tube on the deck behind the seat along the gunwale?

fishing user avatardone reply : 

Those are all running to the motor. One of them is the line that runs to the steering, the other I am not sure. When I pull the cover off her again tomorrow, I will check it out. They all run to the motor give the location I would lean towards fuel line.

fishing user avatardone reply : 

One other note on the motors, for anyone looking at these. With the 60, when properly trimmed. With 2 guys in it, I have gotten it up to about 36 mph. With me and my daughter (she weighs about as much as my tackle box), it gets near 40.

On their site, Tracker had a nice little chart on how fast these things can get with the various motors, it is pretty dead on.

I do like that, at least for a limited time until th ebreak in period is done, I can out-run most of the pleasure boaters on the lake. I cannot tell you haw many times those guys would overtake me in my jon as VERY close range (despite having a 3/4 mile channel) and nearly overturn the boat.

fishing user avatarlooking4structure reply : 

congrats on the new boat

fishing user avatargolf n fish reply : 

Congrats on the boat.  I just got a new aluminum Triton a few weeks ago.  That break in period was really HARD.  I wanted to gun it so much.  



fishing user avatarjesse D. reply : 

nice boat, how stable is it in the water???

fishing user avatardone reply : 

    It is very nice. I came from a moded 1436 jon which was a great boat, this one is heaven by comparison.

    I have taken it out 3 times already, been a joy. Took it on a day I knew I would have a LOT of wake to contend with, and it did well, very well.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
Those are all running to the motor. One of them is the line that runs to the steering, the other I am not sure. When I pull the cover off her again tomorrow, I will check it out. They all run to the motor give the location I would lean towards fuel line.

I wonder why those aren't routed from under the rear deck?

fishing user avatardone reply : 

LOL, you made me curious so I went back and double checked. The lines, are the throttle line, the steering line, and the lines that run for the controls of the electric trim.

They run to the corner then inside the side rail right to the console and front (there is a trim switch up front next to the outlet for the TM).

I am thinking they run that way because with their position, it was just easier to run through the rail and access them for service. The back deck is full of floatation foam that they injected in there. It is rock solid forward the batteries and fuel tank.

Because of their location the fuel line and hook up to the cranking battery do run under the deck and come up right there ahead of the transom.

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

Real nice boat/motor package.Good Luck!

fishing user avatarThe Virginian reply : 

Congrats,she's a beautiful boat!


fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 



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