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Boat ramp Morons!!!! 2025

fishing user avatarLand Surveyor13 reply : 

Okay found this on another website I won't mention here.

Mama always said stupid is as stupid does.  I swear there should be a iq test when you go to get your drivers license.  If it is to low then you don't get one.  Also you should be required to have a boaters license.  And if you break the law and get caught no water fun for you.  How many times have you sat in line watching some idiot trying to get there boat in or out of the water?


fishing user avatarTriton9 reply : 

::) ::) ::) ::)what an idiot, i bet he wishes he had a four wheel drive! ::) ::) ::)

fishing user avatarDiablos reply : 

Are you surprised that it's a jet skier? ::)

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Jet Skier?  Around here we call them Lake Lice.

fishing user avatarTravlin_Man reply : 

Dee  dee  dee

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Don't rush to judgement.

With the drought making the lakes and rivers very low it could happen to anyone.

Now, in Virginia, we have to make sure we do not back the truck off the ramp and into the soft mud at the end of the ramp.

Of course, the shown incident being associated with a jet ski is totally appropriate and funny.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I agree, don't be too harsh.  As an insurance claims adjuster, I've seen it before.  I've  seen a $40,000+ bass boat floating over a mostly submerged F-250 pick up.  It can happen to the best of them.  The idiots are the ones standing around getting sick enjoyment over it.  

fishing user avatarskunked_again reply : 
Jet Skier? Around here we call them Lake Lice.

whats even funnier is when the lake lice dont know my bass boat is much faster than their toy....... :)

most of the seasoned fleas know not to buzz bass boats.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
I agree, don't be too harsh.  As an insurance claims adjuster, I've seen it before.  I've  seen a $40,000+ bass boat floating over a mostly submerged F-250 pick up.  It can happen to the best of them.  The idiots are the ones standing around getting sick enjoyment over it.  

I don't think it happens to the best of them, or even those mired in mediocrity.  You have to be asleep at the wheel or in la-la-land to do this.   :)  I guess there is one exception.  You could accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake.  How many of our 11,000 plus members have ever done something like this?  Please chime in.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Only seen it in pics and videos. I see a lot of "stupid" at the ramp, but I have never seen anyone sink their truck. A relative common occurance however, is the unattached boat!

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Many years ago at Watkins Landing on the upper James River west of Richmond there was a guy who drove his SUV onto the river's bank adjacent to the boat ramp heading east towards Richmond.

I understand that he got stuck in the mud and had to abandon his vehicle.

Today, about 100 yards downstream from the landing there is an upside down vehicle with the wheels poking out of the water.

I always wondered if this was his SUV.

Anyone out there know about this??????

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I've been called a lot of things,....but never "Lake Lice" lol  Geez

The real kicker would be if that truck had 4 wheel drive  ;D (oh,...THAT'S what the other shifter is.....)

fishing user avatar-hydrillagorilla- reply : 

Lake Lice!!!!  

fishing user avatarBig T reply : 

That video reminds me of some of the clowns that frequent the boat ramps at Carolina Beach and Wrightsville Beach . These people buy the biggest boat that the bank will finance and have never owned nor operated a boat in their life. This is part of the reason I all but stopped Saltwater fishing and started fishing Sutton Lake and the NE Cape Fear river. My wife can do a better job in the dark with no lights that those guys.

fishing user avatarCGH reply : 
I agree, don't be too harsh. As an insurance claims adjuster, I've seen it before. I've seen a $40,000+ bass boat floating over a mostly submerged F-250 pick up. It can happen to the best of them. The idiots are the ones standing around getting sick enjoyment over it.

I don't think it happens to the best of them, or even those mired in mediocrity. You have to be asleep at the wheel or in la-la-land to do this. :) I guess there is one exception. You could accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake. How many of our 11,000 plus members have ever done something like this? Please chime in.

I did this before, Baytown Tx 1998, I was on a very short ramp with 15' 6 Boat.

The tow vehickle was a 1987 Dodge Ram 50, Same as the Mitsubitche Migthy Max.

To launch a boat at that ramp I would have to put my back tires in the drink about Half the way up. I had just drove the boat on the trailer and was tying it only up in the front. and the brakes on the truck started slipping. I jumped from the boat grabed the side of the trailer and grabed a pole at the launch. I was able to hold boat and truck in place while asking one of the halfwits that were watching me struggle and laughing at the same time to hop in and pull the truck foward. Of course no help was given. I release my hold, ran to the truck and by the time I got in, put it in gear the water was up to the floor board. Save the my truck and the boat but learned a value lesson. If people are laughing don't ask for help, cause they will more than likely not give it.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I remember launching one time at the Meramec river marina in Fenton, MO.  That ramp was always kinda slippery as well as steep.  The river had been flooded just a day or so previous and the ramp had mud on it.  I started backing down when I began sliding.  I thought the truck was a goner.  I jack knifed the truck and the wheels caught on the curbing. Had I not done that I'd have launched the boat and truck at the same time.

My friend had to pull me up with his 4WD.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

The real kicker would be if that truck had 4 wheel drive ;D (oh,...THAT'S what the other shifter is.....)

Wouldn't be able to tell without seeing the front bumper, but it looks like a 4WD to me.  Or at least a PreRunner.  Too high to be your standard 2WD Taco.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

I have never met a fisherman that hasn't at one time or the other been a boat ramp moron. Plugs, tie-downs, winch straps, etc. all make for humor at the ramp.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I have seen it happen twice in person and both times were in salt water; the first time was on Calcasieu Lake (Big Lake) at Hebert's Landing, all you could see was the cab light underwater. The second time was actually my sister-in-law driving but in her defense on of her kids had fallen off the wharf, she jump out leaving the brand new F250 in reverse.

I drove my aluminum boat on the trailer and had it come off the ball (wrong size) the only thing stopping it were the chains. Kinda gets the adrenalin going!

fishing user avatarmichbass reply : 

Haha, like how the moron keep it floored the whole time. How the heck did he get so far back for a jet ski?  Also funny how the guy with the jeep in the back ground is just minding his own business not even really looking. Needs a ticket for power loading :) Looks like the southwest?

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Great video. Too bad it wasnt a Tundra, could used in one of Toyotas many new ad campaigns.  ;D

Sorry, Ford or Chevy :)

fishing user avatarZombyGuru reply : 

LMFAO! i could see myself doing somethin that dumb....  :)

fishing user avatarllPa1nll reply : 


That is some funny stuff, I admit everyone has had their fair share of "Boat Launch Stupidity". Myself I have left the winch strap attached once and another time I have forgotten to put the drain plug in (Thank God for Bilge Pumps). It is a little embarressing but everyone has those moments. I will say though Ive never immersed my truck like that guy.

Hey all, there is a second part to this video. To me there either must be allot of slippery launches in the rest of the country or his tires are as bald as Micheal Jordan's head. View the remainder of this launch

fishing user avatarbassmaster8100 reply : 

theres some idiots out there for sure, couple of years ago i was at a ramp loading up , it had already gotten dark. The guy loading up ahead of me several time put his boat on the trailer he would then pull out of the water and i thought for sure the boat was gonna flip over  so I finally pull up to the dock and tie my boat off to see whats going on because i had gotten tired of waiting on this moran, the guy was dang near center the side rail on the trailer and when he pulled out of the water it would fall over on its side onto the center of the trailer, it was kinda funny after i could see what he was doing. So I tell him what he's doing and his only response is O. Then finally hes like I dont know how to put it on the trailer cuz I cant see the trailer, so i tell him put the nose of your boat between the taillights on your truck if you center up with that you should be center of your trailer and youll be on there, after 4 or 5 tries I finally asked him if I could do it for him, no problem right on there and out there he went. What a moron.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

There is a big difference between a moron, an idiot and a new boat owner.  The story I am about to tell will prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I fit into all three categories.  I assure you that every word is true.  Worst day I have ever had on/near the water.  I've posted this story before here on BR.

Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.  It all started last week when I backed my Suburban up to the boat trailer and tried to hitch it up.  The receiver on the trailer would drop onto the ball OK but there was no way I could get it to latch down.  I tried raising and lowering it, shaking it, jerking it, banging it with a hammer and every thing else I could think of, but it would not latch down.  Finally, in desperation, I sprayed everything with WD-40.  I again lowered the receiver onto the ball and it latched with ease.  Go figure.

Finally on the road, I drove from Tulsa to Lake Skiatook (about 30 miles).  The moment I got to the boat ramp it started raining heavily.   I sat around for about thirty minutes and the rain didn't let up. So, I called my daughter and asked her to have a look at the National Weather Service radar.  She told me there was large cell in the vicinity, and that it would probably be at least a couple of hours before it passed.  Thoroughly disgusted, I drove back to Tulsa, and into sunshine.

When I got home, I checked the radar myself and discovered that the cell my daughter was referring to was due South of a place called Ponca City - nowhere near the lake.  The radar did show a couple of Popcorn showers that popped up over the lake and then fell apart right after I left.  Needless to say, I was somewhat perturbed to learn that my daughter was Geographically Challenged.

Back to the lake I went and was graced with a partly cloudy sky.  I was boating alone so I kicked off my new sneakers, put on my flip-flops and backed the boat into the water.  Because I drive a Suburban, I can't see the boat without opening the cargo doors.  No problem, I opened the doors, backed the boat in, and got out of the truck to get the boat free of the trailer.  Without realizing it at the time, I kicked one of new my sneakers into the water as I got out of the truck.  Luckily it landed right side up.  I waded around to the back of the truck and checked its cargo area before I launched the boat. Sure enough, I had neglected to place my tackle box in the boat.  There is a door lock button in the cargo area on the rear post.  I must have hit it when I reached for the tackle box.  It has a fifteen second delay on it, so I didn't hear the clunk of all the door locks until after I had closed the cargo doors. OK, so now I have a locked truck with the keys in the ignition, setting in water up to the running boards on a busy boat ramp and a new sneaker that is slowly floating away.  First things first.  I fired up the boat, chased down the sneaker and then tied the boat at the dock.  I waded back to the truck and found that there was no way I could get into it without breaking out a window.  I found a boulder about the size of my head and decided to break in through the window on the right-side rear seat door.  I swear, that glass must be bullet proof!  I literally ended up throwing that boulder at the glass and it would bounce off without a scratch.  After eight or nine attempts, I gave up and decided to try the front seat passenger side.  The boulder went through the glass like a knife through butter, scattering glass as if I had thrown a hand grenade into the truck.  The first thing the boulder hit inside the vehicle was the console and it knocked the lid off its hinges.  The boulder, and a lot of glass ended up in the drivers seat.  I do not want to discuss what those objects did to the leather in the seat.  I'll cry later.  OK, so my truck is still in the water.  Twenty minutes and several lacerations later I had removed the boulder and enough glass out of the driver's seat to allow me to get the truck out of the water.  That was a big relief!

I then reminded myself that despite the fact that it was now 3:00 PM my intent since 6:00 AM had been to try to catch a few bass.  So, I hopped in the boat and went tooling off across the water.  I was so angry with myself that all I wanted to do was haul azz across the water.  I did this for about an hour and then cooled off enough to try fishing.  I found a point and half-heartedly fished it for about twenty minutes, all the while thinking about all that glass and blood  in my truck.  Needless to say, I gave up and headed back to the landing.

In my absence, a Park Ranger came by, noticed the shattered window, and left me a note advising that he had notified the police of the break-in.  Luckily he also left his phone number, so I was able to cancel the Red Alert.

And then the kicker.  I had the boat out of the water and was getting it ready to tow when a Game Warden drove up.  He had the audacity to ask "Had any luck today?"  What I said to that poor guy is not fit to print.  Let's just say I was VERY vocal about the luck I had had.  He never did ask to see my fishing license.

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

Hey Mike,

I have a spare truck key stashed in my boat. :) I had a buddy who lost his keys in the lake one day and this prompted me to stash a truck key in the boat. It's a dedicated spare that stays in there permanently should I ever need it. I'm lucky I didn't have to learn this the way you did I guess. I would not have busted out my window though, I'd have called the cops and gotten it opened up. The hell with everybody else waiting, stuff happens ya know?? It's not like you got up out of bed and said "I'm going to go jam up the launch ramp today". :)

fishing user avatarCGH reply : 

I second that key thing to the third power. I have a spare truck key in the cowling of all my outboards. cause more than one i have lock my self out of the boat hauler ::)

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I had a spare truck key located in my boat the day after my fiasco.  I try not to repeat stupidity.   :)

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I've witnessed this twice. Once was when the guy's transmission failed while loading his boat alone. Seems the guy never used his parking brake, which is why his transmission eventually gave out.

Second time was when a 4x4 tried to launch his ski boat on a steep, algea-soaked ramp (very slick!).  This is right after we determined we were going to a different ramp. We tried to tell him it was risky, but he did it anyway.  In he slid - while he was in it!  It happened so fast, we didn't have a chance to do anything to help him. He bailed out through the window.


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