PrimeTrendz Hand Impulse Sealer Heat Seal Machine Poly Sealing With Element Grip and Teflon 8" (Inch) review and price compare 2025
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Product overview
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8" poly plastic bag impulse heat sealers. Portable and compact size. 8" long sealing element.
ADJUSTABLE TIME creates perfect seals for varying bag thickness. AUTO LED shut off indicator light. Low power consumption.
EASY TO OPERATE: Just plug it in and it is on-- - no warm up needed. Set the dial to the bag thickness in mils, put your bag over the bottom portion of the sealer and press down handle until the red light goes off
VERSATILE SEALING CAPABILITY: Ideal for sealing poly, Mylar, Kraft, polythene, Polypropylene, cellophane, bubble wrap, cello, shrink wrap, zip type and all other heat sealable material bags. Perfect for long-term food storage.
We recommend you to purchase from USA CASH AND CARRY. Warning!!!... Don't be fooled by listings other than USA CASH AND CARRY. Made Exclusively by USA Cash and Carry - PrimeTrendz TM.
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Size:8" (Inch)
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Questions about PrimeTrendz Hand Impulse Sealer Heat Seal Machine Poly Sealing With Element Grip and Teflon 8" (Inch)
I'm trying to make sodium acetate hand warmers. Will this seal 24-30 ml vinyl?
Answer: The operating instructions call for a "Sealing Thickness" of 0.01-0.8mm. It states it will seal any PE/PP bags.
Will this machine heatseal TPE?
Answer: I do not know. All the TPE products I can quickly find around the house are way to thick.
Do you have a 220V version?
Answer: We do not offer a 220V version, at this time.
When I opened box out fell 1 screw, 2 silver springs & top thing that presses together with heating element. What are springs for & where do they go?
Answer: We are very sorry to hear the item arrived with loose springs, and are happy to assist. Feel free to contact us via phone at (800) 857-4012.
Answer: I've had two of these. Both were completely assembled and only included the spare parts shown in the picture. I'd exchange it for another one.
will this seal 7mil mylar bags
Answer: No, it will not seal even 5mil Mylar bags - as I found out. I have the 16 inch 450w version (500w according to the product package). With the temp set to Max it gives a seal that is more like pulling a piece of cellophane tape off a full roll of tape. That is after repeating the sealing process 3 times over the same line. The observed temp on the sealer was less than F120 degrees. Mylar takes more heat to create a proper seal.
Answer: I don't see why not
does this sealer use 110 or 220 for power?
Answer: The sealer is 110 Volts and has a standard U.S plug.
Answer: It uses 110 power. I gave one to all of my family members for Christmas and they love them.
Answer: 110. Just plug it into your standard wall outlet. Works great
Answer: 110
Answer: 110
Answer: 110
Can I use this machine to to close waxed paper bags(glassine)?
Answer: It works great on Saltine Cracker bags and cereal bags.
Answer: I don't think this machine is designed for that material. You may want to contact the manufacturer for a definitive answer but my guess is a strong
Answer: I don't know... kind of thinking it won't BUT... if you'd like to mail me one, I'd be glad to try it for you. If you'd like to, just send me another message here with your email address so I can send you my mailing address.
I need to heat seal two pcs of .40mm thick clear vinyl together on 3 sides to create pockets. Will this tool work with a seam no wider than 2mm?
does this get hot enough to seal 7 mil thick mylar food storage bags, beause my food saver plus does not
Answer: Hello, I got the 12" Impulse sealer from Jores Industries for $64.99. Much better quality and should seal most thicknesses of bags.
Answer: I use this on a 4 mil polytubing I can double that bag up and seal it together no problem. Not sure about mylar though
Answer: Can I use this sealer to seal mylar bags larger than 12"? This is my first time dealing with mylar bags and sealers so Idon't know much about the topic. It's going to be use to storage food for a long term.
Answer: The one that I have received did not even heat up at all even when turned on a high number. I tried to seal polyurethane bags 2.5 mil thick.
Answer: I don't think this item can do it. I have 3mm bags and they seal perfectly but 7mm is too much.
Answer: Unfortunately, my bags are not that thick. I am using thin bags to wrap my homemade soaps. This model does have an adjustable timer knob that allows the sealer to heat up to 8 seconds. Considering that I have not used it up to that length of time for my soaps I cannot give an exact answer, but considering that it give constant heat for that length of time, it should be able to seal your bags. I hope this helps and I'm sorry I couldn't give you a more detailed answer.
Answer: yes, we use ours with our food saver bags.
Answer: I think that's too thick.
Answer: Yes it does, but buy a better on than this one. I had to return this one because it was too cheap and falling apart right out of the box. Ended up buying similar product at twice the price and am very happy with it.
How do I order replacement element strips?
Answer: I have never had to do that. I would contact the manufacturer directly.
does it seal Polyolefin ? Thank you
Answer: If you mean shrink wrap, I would say no. Polyolefin could be anything from shrink wrap to plastic milk bottles. I think since the melt temperature range is anywhere from 135 to nearly 500 the question is too broad.
can this used to seal bar soap
Answer: Do you mean to seal a soap bar? In what material?
Answer: Yes. But it will not suck the air out of the package. But it will seal basically anything it very versatile.
Answer: I think that it would probably be a little difficult. We use it to seal cellophane wrap tee shirts. It could probably be done but I do think that you might want to try another option.
does this machine have a cutting edge for a smooth finish?
Answer: No, generally the bag has an edge before you seal it. I made four bags out of one by sealing both the top and bottom of three, but still had to cut them apart to separate them.
Answer: No. However, if the plastic bag is medium thickness or less, you can try increasing the 'seal time' until the plastic melts and you can pull it away from the element, leaving the excess to discard.
Has anyone tried for sealing 2 mil bags? Melt through?
Answer: I don't know for a fact that it will, but I think it should work. The only control is the timer knob. On the shortest time (aprox 0.25 sec), it barely puts a mark on a paper chip bag. The specifications call for a "Sealing Thickness" of 0.01-0.8 mm.
will it seal cereal bags?
Answer: It did for me :)
Can this seal 12 mil kraft bags
Answer: it seals all of my craft bags, but im still unsure how to use lol.
Answer: Never tried anything that heavy. I've sealed heavier gauged films without problem though.
when will I receive my product I ordered it 2 months ago still haven't received it
Answer: We bought ours in Nov '18. It came in about a week.
It is a 110 volt ?
Answer: Yes, it is a 110 colt.
Answer: Yes. We export the United States of America are 110v. of course we have 220V, if you need to。
Answer: Yes 110v. Ac
Answer: Good unit
Answer: Yes it is. We love it. Works great. No problems.
Answer: yes
Answer: Yes it is
Answer: Yes
hi.. is this device support 220 volt..?
Answer: no,it's a standard plug in @110
Answer: sorry I am not sure
Where is this impulse sealer (part/model #ucac-pt-12in) made - in which country? has its production qc improved?
Answer: China like most things. the product is good and works well
Answer: Garbage every thing garbsge
Does this have a round wire or a flat wire? And could it be used to cut & seal polyester ribbon?
Answer: It uses a flat wire. I don't know if it will cut and seal polyester ribbon.
Answer: It came with a round wire, however, when I ordered a replacement it was flat. I think it would seal a polyester ribbon as I sealed regular thin plastic bags with it. HOWEVER, when I installed the replacement wire I found that it wasn't the wire that failed it was the unit itself. So I got a little over 6 months use before the unit failed. You might wish to try another machine.
Answer: The flat wire leaves a super thin line. And the adjustable setting should work very well for you.
Answer: It has a flat wire. I'm not sure about the ribbon.
Answer: The flzo
My machine stopped. It is less than a year. I have changed the wire, still it won't work. Is it still under ?
Will this work to seal food saver bags? I want to take food saver rolls create bags then use the food saver to vac and seal the last end.
Answer: Yes it will work for food saver bags, but it won't vaccum them obviously.
Answer: Yes, it works for your needs. I use it for many pk items and also to seal food.
Answer: It sure will. It's a great unit, and the adjustable temperature feature is critical for that task.
Can anyone find a replacement part for the upper part of the sealer? The long plastic bit?
did you send it to puerto rico?
will this machine make a good seal on polyethylene anti-static bags? actually I dont want to seal them, but reduce their size, so it must be good
Answer: If I'm understanding correctly you want to just make the bag a smaller overall size? You can effectively cut a bag down with this sealer. I've not worked with polyethylene so someone else may be able to add to this, but with my cellophane bags, I just adjust the heat setting up higher and it essentially "cuts" the bag but it will seal it wherever you place the bag on the element.
Is the body of this sealer made of plastic or metal? The one I received is blue and made of plastic, several differences from the picture showing here.
Answer: Mine was blue metal. With metal chrome pieces holding the heat unit. Love mine.
Answer: Mine was also plastic and not metal, although i don't believe this will affect anything other than its durability when it slams into the floor and since i plan on doing that little to zero times i think it will be ok for my use...
Answer: The body of the sealers made by TruSealer is all metal.
Answer: I was going to answer, "Mine has a metal body" and checked mine to make sure I can write an accurate description. After checking it thoroughly, I would say mine is made of metal. I have noticed however, that the grayish blue paint coating on the metal makes the body (especially the hollow lower part) look or feel a bit plastic-like. Hope you got a good one... mine is working fine..
Answer: Mine is a thin metal, but it is definitely metal. It has a black plastic handle and timer/knob, but the rest is metal.
Answer: The one I'm selling is all metal. I also found the extra element for it which I will include.
Answer: Mine is blue great love it.
Answer: The one I have is made of metal.
Answer: Plastic,but it is rugged. I have used it to seal more than a thousand plastic bags.
Is this machine made in China?
Answer: All the equipment you have found is made in China. Believe me, believe in China.
Do you ship to Puerto Rico?
My machine stopped working It is less than a year. I have changed the wire, still it won't work. Is it still under ?
Can this be used to seal paper products?
Answer: Absolutely not to be used with paper products. This unit is designed to seal poly bags only for food or small parts storage.
Answer: No. It is a heat sealer for plastic and mylar.
Answer: No
Answer: No
Does it work on plastic tubes?
Answer: Only poly bag material designed for this type of device. No tubes to my knowledge will work.
can this seal plastic like bread bags?
Answer: I'm not sure, but I think yes. These are used in commercial settings to seal small items into plastic tubing on both ends that essentially makes a "bag". So technically tgis item is used for that purpose however bread bag plastic is much thinner and so you would have to perform the sealing action very quickly, or it still might be too much heat for such a thin bag.
Answer: Hi there, this impulse sealer could seal plastic like bread bags. Any other questions, pls contact us freely. Thank you!
Answer: Yes you can. We are using bags recommended for freezing food, which are thicker. You can also seal light bags just turn the temperature lower when sealing.
Answer: Yes, but the heat setting will need to be adjusted accordingly. Otherwise the bag will likely tear right below where the seal is made.
Answer: Yes it should there is a dial for heat seting, i have sealed zip lick bags with no problems bread bags are just a little thinner
Answer: Yes. Just adjust the heat/duration knob accordingly
Answer: YES adjustable settings for thickness. Works great.
can these seal mylar bags?
Answer: This sealer can seal "mylar" bags provided the mylar is a heat-sealable type, or the "mylar" (polyester) is laminated to a sealable polyethylene film. The Heat seal temperature setting is adjustable for films or bags requiring more heal to seal like "mylar" film.
Is there a 12 in version of this prime trendz hand impulse sealer (asin #b07dt4whx4 ) that sells for about $43?
Hi, We'd like to use this machine for packaging fresh fruits for freezing. Do the machine include mylars? What sizes? Thanks
Answer: No they do not come with any mylar foil packaging, or any type of packaging for using the machine. Try , they have a large selection of sizes.
how often do you need to replace element?
Answer: As long as you don't set the temperature too high... they last a long time... If the temperature is so high that the plastic burns instead of sealing the place where the elements is will stick and you won't get a good seal. I haven't had to replace mine yet.
Answer: I've had mine for a while we use it a lot haven't had to change it yet!
Can this be used to seal a 5Mil Mylar bag? Has anyone tried this?
Answer: I would say...absolutely. Although I would check with the manufacturer.
Does it do Mylar for sure?
Answer: I do not know if it does for sure. I have only used it on weather proof plastic bags for food storage in the freezer, which has worked very well.
what is the width of the spare teflon tape?
Answer: If you mean the piece that goes over the heating wire (the brownish piece in the picture) its about 1 3/8 inches wide.
Could you use this to basically make a custom package, by sealing all around the object?
Answer: yes but it would be painfully slow would take you 5 to 10 minutes to seal all 4 sides of a package. this is not a vacuum sealer only a sealer. i am sure you can get pouches (sealed on 3 sides)
Answer: Yes, depending on the material. This item will not seal paper onto paper unless you have a bonding agent between both sheets of paper. This item is basically designed to "top seal" polymer bags.
Answer: Yes, after a fashion. However, be advised that this unit does not extract air, nor can you always seal right up next to bulky objects, so your poly tubing or bag would be a bit loose.
Answer: Yes, if this device had worked. Mine was dead on arrival. I returned it and did not buy a replacement. Seems most Chinese products are bad.
Answer: Yes you can
Answer: Yes, you can!
could this be used to seal large bag of dog food and do you have to buy anything else for it to work?
Answer: I do not think it will reseal a large bag of dog food.
When it working, should I wear mask? What kind of mask?
Answer: A mask is not required in operation with this impulse sealer.
Answer: Why would you need a mask? It's just heat
Answer: that is a good question. i want to say yes but i wouldnt know what kind of mask. i have only use it twice for 2 packages and make sure it works and did not used a mask.
Answer: No mask required...doesn't have steam heat. It's all contained. Great product!
Answer: I don't think a mask is necessary. You don't heat the plastic to the point that it is smoking and there is no oder emitted when I seal poly bags.
Answer: Mask? No mask needed liu liu !
Answer: I don't use a mask.
Answer: No, you don't need a mask.
What is the thickness of seal it makes?
Answer: Are you referring to the height or the thickness? The thickness is going to depend on the thickness of the bag. The height is around 1.5mm.
Answer: .004 "
i just received this product and it doesn't heat up?????? i need to return it! the light and buzzing sound comes on but doesn't get hot!
Answer: The sealer itself doesn't heat up until you close the lever and push it down, then the two bars that are on either side of your plastic heats up enough to melt them together. If it isn't sealing it enough, turn the dial to a hotter setting. Hope that helps!
Answer: It does not heat until you push the lever down, that is the only time it actually heats up. This is a good thing.
Answer: Maybe you could try the replacement wire that is included with the unit?
I was wondering the weight of this machine?
Answer: 8.33 lbs.
Answer: 8 lb. 3 oz.
Answer: It's 8 pounds aprox.
Does this seal cellophane bags?
Answer: Yes
What mil is the seal width?
Answer: Can you be more specific please. The seal is a foot long the actual seal is a quarter
Answer: 12 inches
Answer: I use it for .004 inch.
Answer: One quarter inch.
does it come with a spare wire?
Answer: Yes, it comes with 2.
Answer: Yes- but it stopped working before the wire was needed
Answer: Yes.. and it works great.. SO far the 12" is better than all of our 8" . Hope that helps..
Answer: yes it does
Can I use this to seal coffee bags?
Answer: I've used it on thicker bags, like the ones used for granola at the grocery store. So I would say if it's a little thicker, it shouldn't be a problem. The settings could be adjusted for the heat so that's a plus.
Product reviews of PrimeTrendz Hand Impulse Sealer Heat Seal Machine Poly Sealing With Element Grip and Teflon 8" (Inch)
Josh S : ... for over a year now and it still works great! I've had only good experiences
Been using this for over a year now and it still works great! I've had only good experiences!
Amazon Customer : Five Stars
making vinyl bags it came in handy. seals great
TisI : Good product that does exactly what I needed it for
Good product that does exactly what I needed it for. I have used it very heavily over the last few months and it has not failed. Thanks
Chris : Its pretty self explanatory
Bought this in 2014, its 2017 and it still gets used. Have had no issues with it. Its pretty self explanatory, you plug it in, put your poly bags inbetween, push down on the handle and wait till the light goes out. Then lift up and take your bag out. Figure out the right setting not to melt the plastic, and also to get a full seal, then leave it alone until you change bag types. I generally leave my setting in the middle'ish.
reifnawss : This thing is like a dream come true
Wow! This thing is like a dream come true. Very fast sealer, and not an ounce of air escapes. I love this thing.
Amazon Customer : Five Stars
Very happy
Raye : Don't keep plugged in
The cloth piece burned quickly and easily after some plastic stuck to it. I will have to change it out but decided to use as much of it as possible. Took a bit to get used to. Not a fan of leaving it on and plugged in at all times, so I don't. With that in mind, it takes just a bit longer to heat up but does what it's suppose to.
Amazon_Customer : Excellent product!
I use the crap out of this thing and it hasn't failed me yet! Hope I didn't just jinx myself.
MJR : Minor rework but works great now, great for the price.
I purchased based on at the time a single review and before I received it Sum Dood posted his review that had me a bit worried. I received the sealer, took it out of the box, plugged it in, put a bag in, closed it, pushed down, and nothing it didn't work. I noticed some play in the hinge so I tried again, this time I pushed the arm back, and it worked. Ok so it apparently needed a internal adjustment. I unplugged it, turned it over, removed the four screws in the rubber feet holding the bottom cover on and had a look. Sure enough when the arm is pressed down to seal the bag the arm that is suppose to depress the switch to activate the sealer wasn't quite bent all the way to do the job. Simple fix I used a pair of pliers to adjust the angle. All back together it works perfect now, I sealed more than a few bags (nice to not have to cycle my vacuum sealer each time just to make custom sized bags) with it, and works great. Photos attached, first with the bottom cover removed, second with the arm pressed all the way down you can see it barely touches the switch, third is after the adjustment with the arm closed but not depressed to seal yet, and the last one shows when the arm is depressed all the way down to seal.
Printed Party : Easy to use for a newbie.
This item has been very easy to use for a newbie. It works as advertised and seems to be well built. We have used this to seal about 600 bags so far and have been very pleased.
Latoya C. : Am i just bad lucky or it something wrong with these products
This is my second time buying this product..I bought an 8" before and had to send it back because it worked for the 1st 5mins and then stopped. I recently ordered the 12" and now this one never worked at all. Am i just bad lucky or it something wrong with these products? I plugged in it and it not worked at all.
Amazon Customer : Five Stars
Very happy
debbie : Great item so amazing works perfect
Great item so amazing works perfect
Romance Lover : perfect
perfect for my needs!
Karen B. : Very pleased to get this at such a good price
Very pleased to get this at such a good price. It's sturdy and works great. I've sealed hundreds of items with it already.
Big Consumer : Grat Value for this sealer
This sealer is great for any packaging needs you may have. It is all around very reliable and built well. Very easy to change element. I give this sealer a 5-Star Rating!!
Gabriel : Excellent for small business
This sealer does what it’s supposed to do. I use it for small business as a packaging tool and it works just fine. Also an easy liner change.
Edgar perez : good quality
works as describe good costumer service
Alexa Blackmoon : Works well, but cheaply made.
It works well, but requires a lot of pressure to make good air tight seals in mylar. More than I should have to use, i feel. Also, its quite cheaply made -- there arent even holes in the prongs on the power cord -- wtf. Also, wish the cord was much longer!
endwatcher : Alright
For the price its good. I had to fix a issue with it just because I didnt want to mess around with returns...although it was defectice. The mechanism in the back part was faulty so I had to add extra material to it to actually make it work. This is the part that makes it click on, during the pressing down of the sealer.
SDMNH : Not impressed. Very thin line of seal. Insufficient sealing control time.
I bought this hoping to take some of the load off my Weston professional food sealer. I'd planned to use it to make my own bags from Weston rolls ahead of time without using the Weston just to do the sealing of the initial end. The seal line created by this product is tremendously thin by comparison to that of the Weston. It's maybe a third as thick. Even on the maximum setting I could not get a good seal line when using Weston rolls. The seals were easily pulled apart. Even if they looked okay the Weston would never stop sucking air and I could never get a good vacuum sealed package with one end sealed by this device. I'm going to try it on thinner rolls by another manufacturer and see how it does. I'm not expecting it will do much better. I have no idea what I'm going to use this for now.
Amazon Customer : Five Stars
Very happy
Issues. : Four Stars
Works and is easy to use.
Oneka Thomas : It don’t work
I got a fault sealer !! I won’t advice you buy from this company
Cynthia Carson : Defective unit
Giving it 2 stars only because I don't hate it; just disappointed it didn't work. I have used similar sealers as this so I am aware of how these particular models work. I tried changing the heating element, but it still wouldn't create a seal at any level. Obviously this one was defective, so back it goes.
Churchmanastani : Keep looking.
After taking it apart and fixing the trigger spring, adding some cushion to ensure an even meet of the elements it works ok.
Issues. : Four Stars
Works and is easy to use.
BL Meyer : ... made and heavy duty for price and shipping was good, packaged well the directions are not good but ...
well made and heavy duty for price and shipping was good, packaged well the directions are not good but I think I can figure it out with trial and practice.
Ann : Five Stars
YoungLORD : Having problems? Look on the underside...
Great sealer.. wish it came with more strips... also there is a problem where underneatch it had to attach some cardboard to the mechanism to make it work... but now it works great!
Forward thinking : Five Stars
Works well sealing prototype retail packaging for our new Cupsy drink organizer!
Madjik : Seal a bag
Nice to have with my business. Works well and the price couldn't be beat
Raye : Don't keep plugged in
The cloth piece burned quickly and easily after some plastic stuck to it. I will have to change it out but decided to use as much of it as possible. Took a bit to get used to. Not a fan of leaving it on and plugged in at all times, so I don't. With that in mind, it takes just a bit longer to heat up but does what it's suppose to.
Romance Lover : perfect
perfect for my needs!
Tosha : Works great
Love this unit. I have no complaints. I keep it plugged in a pull it out when i get ready to use it.
Connie Teague : Liked
Bought for my daughter in law. She has used it a lot and likes it.
WOW.....This is great. Very good to work with. Seals great.
Jonathan Y : Five Stars
Great item, fast shipping , Five star
Amazon Customer : one of them was slightly different and didnt work as well but in all pleased
I bought two of these. one of them was slightly different and didnt work as well but in all pleased
Henrie : Seals any plastic bag
I originally bought this to seal homemade soaps. Little did I know how versatile it is. I use it all the time. I reseal oatmeal, cereal, crackers. In just seconds, the opened bag is sealed as if it was never opened. I can see it saving us lots of money in the long run, since the seal will keep bugs out and prevent things from getting stale.
Brittany Loveall : Not the best
The power stopped working after about a month. Had to buy another one
Amazon Customer : one of them was slightly different and didnt work as well but in all pleased
I bought two of these. one of them was slightly different and didnt work as well but in all pleased
Jonathan Y : Five Stars
Great item, fast shipping , Five star
Henrie : Seals any plastic bag
I originally bought this to seal homemade soaps. Little did I know how versatile it is. I use it all the time. I reseal oatmeal, cereal, crackers. In just seconds, the opened bag is sealed as if it was never opened. I can see it saving us lots of money in the long run, since the seal will keep bugs out and prevent things from getting stale.
Shirl : Four Stars
I got exactly what I wanted and it gets the job done. Works every time and gets plenty hot.
Jim Adams : ... needed to seal a few mylar bags - worked like a charm right out of the package
I have only needed to seal a few mylar bags - worked like a charm right out of the package. I don't use it much but so far each press is perfect.
María Ornelas : Que es perfecta
Muy bien pega muy bien las bolsas
Liliana : Five Stars
Issues. : Four Stars
Works and is easy to use.
Karla : Stopped working but fixed it.
As soon as I received it I tested it out 7 or 8 times. It worked effortlessly so I put it away. Tried using it yesterday and it didn't work so I shook it around and it worked (universal way of fixing things). I tried using it again today and it wouldn't work. I unscrewed the bottom and was following the wires and noticed one of the purple wires was not making contact to the metal prong. I just soldered it back together, screwed bottom back, plugged it back in and it worked! (In the picture it's the third prong.)
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