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Pa Meet Up - The Results 2025

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

First off, thanks to everyone who came. I enjoyed meeting all of you (Jim I want to have a beer with your dad, I bet he has some awesome stories!) And thanks Speed for helping organize the meet.

We had a good turn out and so did the tournament that launched from James Creek ha ha conditions were tough. ChrisBass and I fought the wind all day. I wish I would have fixed the outboard, would have made it easier. You all had awesome boats and we were stuck in Old Blue  :)

Chris and I fished from 7 to 11. He caught 1 and I caught 0 so together, that makes 10. We just couldn't get a pattern together. I tried about every tactic I had. Ill let Chris share his story though and not give up his catch ;)

Can't wait for the next meet, you guys are awesome. We will get the rest of you in the next one!

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

It was really nice meeting everyone.Thanks Nate and Speed for setting it up. I wish we would have had more time to talk to everyone.Brent and I didn't catch anything.As Nate said, conditions were tough.The high winds and all the boat traffic,kept you on your toes.We left at 12,and ran into Jim and his Dad at the launch.They are great guys and we had a nice visit.I look forward to the next meet.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

It was very nice to meet everyone yesterday.  We will definitely have to do it again.  I think that lake, given some time and effort, will kick out a big fish to someone in our group.

Our boat experienced similar results to what everyone else saw.  When we went back toward Aitch, we found some areas that are similar to what we normally fish (thick, nasty stuff). We would start at the edge of the massive weedbeds and let the constant wind blow us through.  I ended up catching one that went 2.5 on a buzzbait.  BK42 had a couple blowups on the Rage Shad, but they came unbuttoned.  We both missed a few more fish with that pattern, hopping from cove to cove.

Eventually, we got the stones to take the 9.9 across the big lake.  We stopped at a little cove beside Nancy's and I caught a dink near a log with the jig.  We then ventured to Trough Creek.  I knew the bank cover was a little thicker there and the area looked great.  We fished the entire stretch without any fish.

We called it a day and loaded the boat up around 5pm (never give up, right?).

Again, would be happy to meet up with any or all of you again. Perhaps we will catch some fish next time.   ;)


fishing user avatarpaangler3117 reply : 

We ended up with 6 in the boat. I caught 5, two were keepers, and both of them came on consecutive casts about 50 yards from where we all met up! Both of them hit the red eye right before we left! Dads fish came on the right side going back into trough creek, mine were scattered all over! one on the rocks on the right side going back into aitch, one on the rocks out past the island. the other on the left side going back into trough creek. Dads came of wood, one of mine came off weeds, all the other were on rock banks near weeds, but not right in them. Pictures are coming.......

It was really nice meeting all you guys, I thought we had a good trun out, maybe next time it won't be cloudless skies and 15 mile an hour wind!!! I also couldn't believe the amount of fishermen we saw!!!!! I am spolied being able to hit it through the week after work! Go there on a weeknight, and there is a quarter of the vehicles in the lot! 

Nate, my dads a trip, he really is! I keep trying to get him to sign up here! Bass fisherjk, We will have to get together and fish canoe creek sometime, wish you guys could have got into some fish!!

Thanks Nate and Speed for the good time!


fishing user avatarskeet8 reply : 

We had very similar results in my boat. Three up to the boat but all got off. :-[  Still had a good time. It's all good when fishing, just sometimes are better when catching! That was very different fishing than at Weavers Falls area. I guess I was just planning on catching some. HaHa. Maybe next time. It was nice meeting you all. Thanks for setting it up. 

fishing user avatarChrisBass reply : 

Well sounds like some of you had a better day than me and Nate did. It was tough fighting the wind all day. Definitely a good day to have a nice foot controlled trolling motor. The one fish I did boat came on a dt6 bluegill cranked fast. It was fun though and nice to meet all of you,definitely have to do it again.  Chris


fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

You almost need to run a good section of the lake to produce. Chris and I found that thick stuff you spoke of speed (it was back in the cove where the research center is). Chris had some hits on a stick bait but no fish. I don't think I'll go back without my outboard, Old Blue was struggling ;)

Which one of you guys is skeet and which is bassfisherjk? I only know people by screen names ha ha (which one said I wasnt talking? ;))

I think next time we should fish a smaller lake so we can fish "together". I didn't see any of you after we met ha ha

I'm glad we all had a good time. That's the beauty of that lake, it's either on or completely off. Only one guy we talked to in the tourney had fish, so it wasn't just us missing the fish.

Here's the only two pics I have (I'm still to afraid to take the SLR fishing):



Speed was throwing an 8 foot swimbait 2000 yards with that carrot stick ha

How did that pic of blast off turn out that you took?

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

Hey Nate,Bassfisherjk was in the red and gray deep vee.My name is Joe KnarrI agree it would be nice to fish a smaller lake so we could fish together.

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

Ok, got it now ;) We should have had big name tags on:

"Hello My Name is" how awesome would we have looked!

One of my buddies from work said his buddy was up there near Seven Points and didn't catch anything either...

fishing user avatarChrisBass reply : 

Another pic from the meet up. I vote for pinchot next.


fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

Wow man you're camera on that EVO is way better than mine ;) That's a nice sharp photo.

I'd like to fish pinchot too, so that has my vote ;)

fishing user avatarChrisBass reply : 

Don't know about that, it is 8mp but this site makes you reduce them so small. Took me a few min to figure out how to do it lol.

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 
Don't know about that, it is 8mp but this site makes you reduce them so small. Took me a few min to figure out how to do it lol.

Well I knew it had some JPEG compression (the little boxy looking noise) but I figured it was because of the reduction. It seems like it takes sharper and more colorful photos.

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

Pinchot sounds good to me also.

fishing user avataroprcsr reply : 

Glad you guys had a good time, sorry the bite wasn't on. I'll try to make the next one. I do hear good things about Pinchot as well.

fishing user avatarpaangler3117 reply : 







fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

Nice pics. At least you got fish ;) I felt like a midget in my tiny boat ha

fishing user avatarfishincop640 reply : 

Man......totally sucks I missed the outing!  Im just gonna quit work and fish every day!!   HAHA.  Lake looked great from the pictures.....Just a couple bass caught?  No musky?  No stripers?  I was working friday night/saturday morning who was all loaded up to go out.  He pulled into Sheetz to grab a drink and his partner called and bailed on him!  I was bout ready to call in sick with anal glaucoma.....Coz i didnt see my @ss workin much past 5am!!  But I stuck it out at work and ended up making up to Glendale for a little evening go round.  Caught 3 dinks and a pickerel.  We hoping for an early April meet up?  I'm all for it!!  Anywhere on the east coast!!

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

I'm all for an April meet! Sucks you got stuck working... Tell the criminals to take a break, you got fishing to do!

fishing user avatarChrisBass reply : 

Those fish look better than my dink. Lol

fishing user avatarHot Rod reply : 


fishing user avatartracker01 reply : 

So, what's your guest as to how many dude's (or dude'et's) where there?

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

10 but DDH was there after we left... If you count him - 11 ;)

fishing user avatarboatnik13 reply : 

Now that all the results are in I see this( I'm still laughing!)

Goto  Did anyone see RAY?

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

No I don't think any of us saw Ray.LOL ,I think I would have had better luck looking for him than I had catching bass.

fishing user avatarboatnik13 reply : 

I was out on sweet arrow lake a few days ago in heavy fog thinking about all the Ray stories. Spooky in that kind of setting as your mind drifts. We located our structure points by you could only see 10' in front of the boat in  a shallow lake.

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

Boatnik lives!

I bet that one photo of the back of "ray" cresting the surface is a big old catfish, maybe even a stray sturgeon...they claim they once lived in the river before it was dammed. I've never seen any proof though... Who knows what's in that lake!

fishing user avatargarry77 reply : 

I lived in Huntingdon county for most of my life till I moved to Florida about 10 years ago.I never heard of Raystown ray.

   If y'all are planning a meet at Raystown in April I may have to tow my boat up that way.I'm bringing my boys up to go trout fish with Grandpa.I haven't been on raystown in years.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
I lived in Huntingdon county for most of my life till I moved to Florida about 10 years ago.I never heard of Raystown ray.

If y'all are planning a meet at Raystown in April I may have to tow my boat up that way.I'm bringing my boys up to go trout fish with Grandpa.I haven't been on raystown in years.

How about we drive down to Florida and meet up with you?  It's frickin' cold up here.   ;D

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

I'm with Speed on this one! Although, April is a good month for fishing here... Heck, any month is a good month for fishing ;)

fishing user avatargarry77 reply : 

C'mon down! But it's been pretty chilly here lately!


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