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Does it upset you? 2024

fishing user avatarZaraspooker reply : 

Does it upset any of you catch and releasers when you see people taking home a bunch of Bass legal or not? It makes me want to  :'(

fishing user avatarWill reply : 

Very much so. Whenever I see someone taking home a stringer of bass I get mad at them even though they really didn't do anything illegal or wrong.

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

Ditto to what Will said.

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

That realy gets me mad when people do that >:( unless its like 2 or 3 dinks becuase we have too many smaller fish in our local lakes. one time i saw this guy take home a couple of 3 pounders and i was ticked for the rest of the day and didnt get a single bite.

fishing user avatarD.Taylor reply : 

I get mad yes. Do they have a right to yes. Now if those fish are caught snagging or under the legal limits i have been kniown to call the dnr

2 years ago i had a kid about 18 tell me you cant catch them you have to snag them i set the hook on one as soon as he said it. I watched him run down the bank snagg one. he took it to a side pond and had a stringer of 10 to 15 bass on it some looked to be in the slot I called the dnr and left a message

Supposedly the Conservation officer caught him 2 weeks later and had 5 or 6 messages about the same kid before he got caught

fishing user avatarJohn Cullum reply : 

I doesn't make me mad but I don't understand it. But thats alright because people that harvest fish really don't understand fishing in tournaments. I fish with a guy from time to time and he likes to keep a few for the table. I told him if he is in my boat I would appreciate it if he turned them loose and he's cool with that. But when we hit a pond from shore he'll keep a few and I'm cool with that.

Bottomline is thats it's legal and who am I to question the law. He buys his fishing license just like I do. We all fish for one reason or another and we need to stay on the same team. PETA hates us all whether you keep fish or not. I've been on a few lakes that people I don't even know hate me because I fish tournaments and that doesn't sit well with me. I wouldn't wanna be mad at someone just because I don't understand what they do. Thats the job of PETA they hate us because they don't understand what we do.

fishing user avatarernel reply : 

Before you let it get you mad, 100% catch and release can be just as bad. You may have large quanities of fish, but you will not have the quality. Knowing what fish to keep and what fish to throw back in some case can be vital to a small body of water or even an large over populated resevoir. Here is a link to a good article on the topic:

fishing user avatarpigpounder reply : 

I feel the same as you John-skipper-cullum

fishing user avatarGamblerFL reply : 

As long as they are of legal size it doesnt bother me. I dont keep them but to each his own. As long as they eat them and not end up throwing them out from freezer burn. To me it is like hunting. I dont hunt but I dont have anything against people that do. I just dont understand all the people that kill a deer and dress it. Then they spend the next month trying to give the meat away. I told a friend of mine once, if you dont like the meat, then why shoot it.

fishing user avatarGlass_Man reply : 

I introduced my wife to eating bass and she loves it. I keep 2 or 3 2 to 3 lbs. bass every time I go out. I let all of the over 3 lbs go to keep the breeding stock up. I fish not just for the sport but I enjoy the taste. If all the bass in Fl. were kept in the lakes, ponds and rivers there would be way to many small ones. So enjoy a nice fish dinner with your loved ones....

fishing user avatartritonman reply : 

I fish tournaments, but I also fish for pleasure. I have 4 kids that go fishing with me, and they know what fish taste like. My 8 year likes eating fish, and when I told him we were going to throw these bass back, the look on his face, I just had to keep them.

So no it does'nt bother me to keep them.

fishing user avatarZaraspooker reply : 

I probably should have mentioned that I dont like any fish. I love shrimp and crawfish but I hate the taste of fish. That isnt the reason that I catch and release though. Since I started fishing, I have grown very fond of Bass. It may sound stupid but after studying an animal for years, I dont like to see them injured or killed. I could care less about other fish. I just cant stand to see Bass being killed.

fishing user avatarAaron_S reply : 

I have to agree with ernel on this one, too much catch and release can be bad because the competition for food is too high and the bass don't get any bigger.

fishing user avatarsquid reply : 

If ya fish for pleasure and food, then by goodness keep all the dinks, cause the smaller bass get to the bait faster than the big ones...and there are more small ones in a lake than big ones.  But please THROW THE BIG ONES BACK.  If ya need a wall hanger, always remember to measure length, and girth and get a picture to help them out.... ;D  Cost is the same.  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Just the big ones.  Harvesting small and medium fish probably improves most fisheries.  I want to believe that the Fish & Game authorities are compentent in establishing appropriate limits, both size and quantity.  It is our reponsibility as fishermen to follow those guidelines.  That being said, it drives me crazy when I see someone taking a big smallmouth out of MY river!

fishing user avatarL.D. reply : 

It bothers me to see the big breeders kept. It's mostly done by anglers that don't get to fish often and just don't know how many years it takes to grow a big fish. I age fish as a hobby and when I see someone keeping a big bass, I tell them about how old it is. Most of the time they have no idea.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

There 's nothing wrong in keeping fish as long as they are of legal size and you 're taking your allowed daily limit, catch and release if not done properly causes the population to collapse, too many predators too little food result in stunted fish. Bigger fish don 't suffer from starvation and are not affected by excessive population of smaller fish, the reason is simple, they eat smaller fish and every year they create their own food supply, it 's the smaller fish who suffer from starvation, there 's not enough food around to support them and make them grow. Besides, limits in size and quantity are established by the biologists,  the people that harvest fish are doing exactly what the law allows them to do, also, they have already paid for those fish, fishing license fees are one of the ways money returns to the fish and wildlife service.

fishing user avatarPond-Pro reply : 

       It does upset me to see people keep big bass to eat! It is fine if they keep smaller bass because it helps the big bass grow bigger. Bass over 3 lbs deserve to live. Panfish and small bass taste better anyway!  ;D

fishing user avatarFl._Flippin_Fool reply : 

some of the smaller legal fish need to be kept, its a good pratice, but 3 pounders, no way. Hey Glass man, Tallahassee Fl. Here

fishing user avatarduncast48TN reply : 

I seldom keep largemouth toeat. But i do keep the spots or KY. bass. They are mighty fine eating. Mostly i eat shellcrackers,bluegill,and crappie. Also I agree with John skipper Cullum. 8)

fishing user avatarStickling reply : 

well, what i hate is when people take the big-uns. Makes me mad.....

fishing user avatarDumbLuck reply : 

Agreed that taking small Bass helps most lakes have bigger bass.

But like others have said, please throw back the trophies. Replicas can be made pretty much exactly like the fish you caught.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

I think its their right to catch and keep and its healthy for the population. I do draw the line when I see folks fish everyday for a month keeping everything that they catch. For me it dosn't upset me to see a guy keeping a trophy fish if its their first big fish. The genes are already in the lake for the next trophy. I feel that the mid sized fish should be turnned loose so that they can grow to be a trophy.

fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

I hate to see anyone take fish home, especially when they don't intend to eat them.  GET A CAMERA!

fishing user avatarcohmatt reply : 

We catch, snap a picture, do a little dance

::) and release ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

It gets me mad when i see people taking out big ones. I can understand the smaller legal ones, fish tastes good, ill admit it.

fishing user avatarBig_Bass_Rich reply : 

Absolutely not. If they stay within their limits, seasons and slot size (if applies) then they are doing nothing wrong and fisheries biologists have deemed it to not be harmful to the area. It is their choice to keep a few bass just as it would be my choice to keep as many steelhead as I'm legally allowed in the fall.

Now on the other hand, I have had a few confrontations (a couple even became violent) with people keeping or harming a bass out of season. I call our wonderful Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and they say "we can't be everywhere at once".. well to that I reply "then I guess I'll take it into my own hands". I won't post it.. but the things I've done to these poachers can be kinda funny to those who know me - because I am not a violent person by any means. When I see people doing this though, it just turns my crank!  >:(

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

We return all bass and bream back into the waters.  We are strongly considering killing all of the catfish we catch to reduce their population.  Since we eat only salt water fish, we are not interested in consuming any type of fresh water fish, other than crawfish.  We have an LSU crawfish boil in Richmond where we cook and consume 1,500 pounds of Louisiana mudbugs.  Of course, I keep a few for bait to fish with during the next week.  Everyone in the greater Richmond, Virginia geographical area is invited to attend the May 14 event.  Just let me know!  You can take some crawfish with you to use as bait. :)

fishing user avatarohiobassman reply : 

i dont mind if someone takes a few small bass for the table, as long as it is of legal size or in a pond or something.

in a tournament a few years back, i was taking a 5 pounder down to the lake to be released after the weigh-in and there was a family of bank fishermen and as i was walking down there they looked at that fish and when i pulled it out of the bag one of the guys said they would take it. i didnt even react and put that hawg back in the water.

fishing user avatarboatless_tom reply : 

I hate when people keep the fish they catch.  I can understand one fish, if you really like eating them....But these idiots with 10-15 bass, c'mon do you really need all of them?  

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

I hate to see anyone keep a big fish but as long as it is within the legal limit, they are entitled.

fishing user avatarJeffHaught reply : 

quick story, i fish at a small pond maybe 100yards by 50 yards, and there is a sign that says please catch and release. this guy and his kid maybe 6 years old come out and fish it while i'm there. the kid is having a blast catching bluegill and came over by me when i catch a three pounder. he runs over to me to see it and ask if he can hold it, i say sure, then he ask if he could show it to his dad so of course i say yes and off he goes. then i see his dad tell him to pretend to put it back, so the kid sticks it in the water looks at me then runs it back to his dad. his dad puts it in a cooler and hides it in a bush. this really made me mad so i confronted him and he told me to mind my business. he started to circle the pond and once he was far enough away i grabed his cooler and released the fish. he saw me and started to come after me, but once he realized i was 6'5 275 lbs he thought better and just started swearing at me. i laughed and told him he needed to be a better example for his son. but yes it does make me mad when people take fish from small ponds. sorry for the long story, but i thought it was kinda funny


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