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sick feeling 2025

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Anyone out there ever "total" their boat on the way tio the lake?  I did it this morning.   :'(

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Yow! No. What happened?  :-?

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Snow, low visibility, slick roads, brain fart.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Oh man, sorry to hear that!

Assuming everyone is ok which is priority 1


Car too?

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

Man that does suck, sorry to hear about it.

Snow, low visibility, slick roads, brain fart

Why in the heck were you on the way to the lake with conditions

like those anyway? You must have fishing fever pretty bad man.  ;)

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Everyone is OK.  Thanks for asking guys.  I've had the boat three months so insurance should cover it just fine.  I got all the options (GAP and other) when I financed and insured.  My truck only got a dent next to the tailgate.  Trailer tongue was bent at 90 degree angle to left and boat was off of it and laying next to it. ;)  I'll keep you guys posted on the progress.

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Oh yeah....I was on my way to tournament at a power plant lake.

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

One of my best fishing buddies had his boat somehow come right off the trailer going about 70 on I-95. His homeowners insurance treated him right on the whole deal. You may want to look into your homeowners policy for any gaps between what your boat insurance and what you owed on it may be. Sorry to hear about your bum luck.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Tough luck man . Glad no one was hurt.

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 

Don't feel bad Dink,

This past May I was pulling my boat while following my dad (who was hauling his boat).  Neither one of us knew where we were going and when he came up on the turn tried to stop real quick.  He stopped faster than I could so I decided I'd just pass him (no big deal).  Well, it was a big deal.  He turned!  I threw his boat of his trailer and sent it sliding down the road.  Then, I T-boned his brand new truck (totaling it, and mine).  My boat ended up in the bed of my truck.  I totaled two trucks and did a considerable amount of damage to two boats.  Don't feel bad Dink.  One boat isn't that bad :-/

fishing user avatarcedar1 reply : 

Man guys, thoughs stories suck!!! Glad nobody was hurt.

fishing user avatarsodaksker reply : 

That is a painful story.  I don't even want to get my boat out after hearing that.

fishing user avatarfishinfool reply : 

makes me want to drive about 10 mph next time i take off to the lake. sorry to hear about your misfortunes guys, atleast no1 was hurt though.

fishing user avatardink reply : 


WOW!  I really hardly feel bad for myself at all now.  WOW!  Sorry.  Well, I already got the ball rolling.  My boat is going back to the dealer tomorrow (it's in a towing yard now) and they are going to do all the estimates and legwork with my insurance company.  I might be their best customer for years to come.  I'll let everyone know how it turns out.

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 

Insurance is a great thing to have but an awful thing to have to use ;)

fishing user avatarIllinoisBasser reply : 

You can replace a boat,but you can't replace a Dink. Glad you weren't hurt buddy.

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

Glad to hear everyone is ok!!! That's what counts most! Things are replaceable people aren't.

It is just such stories that were going through my mind as I was driving back with my new (to me) boat I went to pick up in southern Florida this weekend. First came the idiots driving 20+ over the speed limit, then the rain, then snow in Atlanta GA of all places. The 1100 miles,one way, offered many occasions for the fear factor not to mention my life to flash before my eyes. Man what was I thinking? Driving from northern Arkansas to southern Florida for a boat in the first couple of weeks in February was a real adventure. One I will not repeat in this lifetime I hope.

fishing user avatarcabela10 reply : 


What kind of boat are we talking about here.  Did you destroy a little jon boat or a brand new Ranger/Triton?

fishing user avatardink reply : 

2005 G3 Eagle 165 2006 Yamaha 4-stroke 2004 Bear trailer.  I picked it up last Halloween.

fishing user avatarorangebynature reply : 

Dink,  I have the same boat 4-stroke and all. I know you had to be sick about it but thank god everyone was ok.

fishing user avatarDDbasser reply : 

Glad no one was hurt!!!!!

thats for your boat!

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

glad your ok

fishing user avatarbassnleo reply : 

Also glad to hear your ok.

I have a friend who had an unfortunate accident last summer. He had parked and was in the process of un-hooking his boat from his truck (19 ft Nitro w/ 200 merc). He popped the latch oh the hitch, un-hooked the lights and safety chain, walked around to get a block for the trailer wheels, heard a pop and the trailer was rolling backwards down hill. It rolled for about 150+ feet backwards and crashed into a tree. Transom was junk, trailer suffered damage, motor ended up being ok. Insurance totaled the boat and trailer, he still has the motor but no boat to go with it.

fishing user avatarLuv2Fish reply : 

Man that does make you feel sick!!! Glad to hear everyone is ok. I have that same boat. Did you like the boat good enough to buy the same one again? I think i would.

fishing user avatardink reply : 

There is a possiblility that I can get a 2006 as a replacement.  The engine turned out to be ok (broken skag that will be replaced) and all the rigging including the TM, electronics, etc. will be put on the new hull and new trailer....hopefully.

fishing user avatarLuv2Fish reply : 

I hope everything works out good for you and you get back on the water soon.

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Note to all:  Your concern is appreciated greatly.  I've already been back out fishing and it looks like everything is going to work out just fine with the insurance and boat replacement.  Tight lines everyone!


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