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you can compare the product price from Costco, wayfair, bestbuy, lowes, target, homedepot, Walmart, ebay, amazon to find the best price for you
Color | Modular Skirt System (4 Skirts Included) |
Brand | Harmony Fishing Company |
Size | 1 oz |
Material | Plastic |
Target Species | Bass |
When fishing hard or rocky bottoms, football jigs are the go-to lure. Bass will often stack up on rocky points or gravel bottom areas in groups. Football jigs are the perfect lure to comb these areas, imitating a crawfish or baitfish swimming along the bottom. Fishing the football jig is incredibly simple, and can be done by beginners and expert fishermen. Simply cast the jig at or beyond your target, allow it to sink to the bottom, and slowly drag or hop the jig back.
Features: Tungsten jighead for greater sensitivity and more compact profile than lead. Fiber weed guard keeps your jig snag-free, even in thick cover. Stand-up head design keeps jig upright and prevents bottom-snags. Razor Series hook with a razor sharp point and forged hook shank for extreme strength.
Harmony's Modular Skirt System Kit includes four skirt colors in the package. Quickly slip the semi-permanent skirt of your choice onto your jig, stretching it over the skirt keeper barb and you're ready to fish! This new system allows you to easily match the hatch based on your fishing time and location without the need to purchase several different jig colors. Includes four colors: magic green pumpkin, blue/black, bluebug, and junebug.
Bait Pegs can be installed on your hook in one second and keeps your soft plastic bait pegged in place on the hook, preventing your bait from sliding down the hook, constantly needing adjustment. Bait Pegs allow your soft plastics to last through twice as many bites, as the bait no longer tears prematurely from constant adjustment.
Includes (2) Tungsten Football Jigs, (4) Skirts, (2) Slip-On Rattles, and (5) Bait Pegs.
Jig size - Hook size
1/2oz – 4/0 hook
3/4oz – 4/0 hook
1oz – 4/0 hook
Everything you need is in the package.Includes:
| Harmony's Modular Skirt System
| Harmony's Tungsten Football Jig Features
Bait Pegs slip onto your hook after installing your soft plastic trailer bait onto your jig. Bait Pegs grip your hook and peg your soft plastic in place, preventing it from sliding down the hook shank and tearing prematurely. No more constantly adjusting your trailer bait after every few casts, and no more tearing baits after just one or two bites. (Soft plastic trailer bait not included)
you can compare the product price from Costco, wayfair, bestbuy, lowes, target, homedepot, Walmart, ebay, amazon to find the best price for you
you can compare the product price from Costco, wayfair, bestbuy, lowes, target, homedepot, Walmart, ebay, amazon to find the best price for you
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