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KVD-His strengths 2025

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

We all know KVD is a Dynamite fisherman.

Years ago KVD was the "man" when it came to Spinnerbaits

As of late hes been killing the competition with Cranks(Both Lipless and Diving)

So now that KVD has changed up his tactics,would anyone say they KVD's strength (for the time being) is Crankbait fishing?

How many tourneys has he won throwing spinnerbaits vs how many tourneys has he won throwing cranks?

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

I think his main strength is his confidence.

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 

very seldom see him throw a spinnerbait or jerkbait anymore.  I would say he is a crankbait fisherman now

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

His strength is his mind.

fishing user avatarsalmicropterus reply : 

It's not about the baits-mental toughness and preparation.

fishing user avatarFL_Sharpshooter reply : 

KVD is one of the guys where he truly believes in the bait he uses. He can throw a fingernail dropping in the water and figure out a way to catch a fish on it.

fishing user avatarlynyrdsky1 reply : 

Its his sheer talent, confidence, and patience that make him the way he is doesnt matter what hes throwin

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Is it possible KVD has modified his tactics to better utilize all the improvements in electronics ?

The ability to locate fish holding structure is not what it was just a few years ago.

Crankbaits go hand in hand with Down scan and Side scan sonar.



fishing user avatarwisconsin heat reply : 

well he says that he forces inactive fish to bite by aggrivating them by running the lure by their faces give or take a million times. i guess spinnerbaits just dont pissoff bass the way cranks do. ;D

fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 

Cranks are definitely his confidence bait now.  He was throwing them those last couple tournaments when he knew he could do better if he picked up something slower...before they started jacking the water.  He just knew it was a matter of time before the water started moving so he decided to fish what was comfortable to him.  I thought it was rather amazing that he could watch the competition wear them out on a Carolina rig and still throw that crank just knowing it was gonna happen sooner or later.

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

He's the ultimate power fisherman whatever technique he is using but it does seem crankbaits have been his money bait recently.  His competitiveness is second to none.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

KVD's strength is his versatility, he rapidly adapts his techniques to changing environmental changes. Versatility is the #1 strength of any good angler, some anglers like KVD, Larry Nixon, or Rick Clunn become great because of their willingness to adapt not only quickly but correctly.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 
KVD's strength is his versatility, he rapidly adapts his techniques to changing environmental changes. Versatility is the #1 strength of any good angler, some anglers like KVD, Larry Nixon, or Rick Clunn become great because of their willingness to adapt not only quickly but correctly.

What really amazes me is not just that he's versatile but that he knows ifwhen and why he needs to modify something.  Any schmuck (such as me) can switch baits or techniques if something isn't working as hoped but KVD can usually say why he's switching (or staying with) something.

fishing user avatarHot Rod reply : 

A lot of great points made here!

I think his cranking technique can be compared to why flipin/pitchin used to win so many tournaments.  When you flip you can make a lot more presentations than you can if you are making a long cast, provided the fish are up shallow and relating to cover. 

KVD is putting that cb in front of as many fish as possible because he can cover a lot of water quickly as compared to say a rig, a jig or a slow roll spinner bait.  However he also hits precise spots, thanks in part to his advanced electronics and ability to utilize them. 

It also has a lot to do with when/where the tournaments are held now.  He is unparalleled when it comes to targeting those post-spawn fish on deeper structure. ;)

fishing user avatarFlipsk828 reply : 

I don't think he has a main "strength" every aspect of his game is better then the rest of the fields. He can convert to any type of fishing when he needs too. Thats why they call him the best in the sport.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I mean no offense by this as KVD is the angler I usually root for, but for the sake of open-mindedness, I wouldn't say every aspect of his game is better than everyone else's. When he fishes deep clear California reservoirs he usually gets his butt handed to him. Overall, his style of fishing and his uncanny ability to figure out what will trigger bites within that style make him a tough angler to beat. When a particular lake forces him to fish outside his style he can be beaten.

fishing user avatarrubba bubba reply : 

The premise of this thread is that he's not very versatile.  That he is very good with cranking, and makes that work for him, but he appears to limit himself to just that technique.

As I understand the debate, to be versatile you have to use all of the techniques and it appears that is not the case with Kevin.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
The premise of this thread is that he's not very versatile. That he is very good with cranking, and makes that work for him, but he appears to limit himself to just that technique.

As I understand the debate, to be versatile you have to use all of the techniques and it appears that is not the case with Kevin.

OK ?????????????????????/

fishing user avatarrubba bubba reply : 

I think you've been spending too much time with Bassclary.  Let me try again.

1 camp says he's not versatile because all he now throws is cranks.

The other camp says he is incredibly versatile, or the most versatile fisherman out there.  This camp, however, is simply stating this without either refuting the crank claim, or providing evidence that KVD has been using all of the other techniques as of late.

I don't know either way, nor do I care.  Frankly he could be the Denny Brauer of cranks, and if that's how he dominates, then that's all he really needs to be good at.  But then I wouldn't say he was "versatile" either.

fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

I would go with the versatile side of things.

I've listened to his records and it seems that he is comfortable throwing a variety of lures. yes he is very good with the crank. they do things that other lures can't do. but he throws swimming jigs, flips beaver style baits, still likes blades tho I think its a cleanup bait for him now in deeper water. in Cali he saw throwing a senko.

but you can make the case that he is best with a crank in hand.


fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 
I think you've been spending too much time with Bassclary. Let me try again.

1 camp says he's not versatile because all he now throws is cranks.

The other camp says he is incredibly versatile, or the most versatile fisherman out there. This camp, however, is simply stating this without either refuting the crank claim, or providing evidence that KVD has been using all of the other techniques as of late.

I don't know either way, nor do I care. Frankly he could be the Denny Brauer of cranks, and if that's how he dominates, then that's all he really needs to be good at. But then I wouldn't say he was "versatile" either.

Hahaha nice insult  ;)

fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 

I think he is a versatile angler, just because he is throwing a crankbait more often now a days doesn't necessarily make him not the "versatile angler". It is just what the winning pattern for him is. You do what it takes to win.

If you play only your strengths you are not going to succeed as an angler. Or you will, but you will not be winning tournaments, or you may. As you can see it all depends, there is no definite answer.

It is silly to think there is some answer to be found to this question because there isn't.  I don't think you determine the fishing quality, the fishing quality determine the type of angler you are going to be for the day or tournament series.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
but you can make the case that he is best with a crank in hand.

KVD can't be #1 with crank in hand. David Fritts is #1.  ;)

fishing user avatarCarrington reply : 

i think he is very good at knowing what lure to throw at what time.

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

Hmmmmm....KVD. He's God. You pretty much just have to leave it at that. lol But KVD is pretty much good at everything, but i think his main strength is his ability to use spinner baits and crankbaits and to get his lure in and out of the water. He also get them in precise spots with pinpoint acurracy.He's just really,really strong when it comes to reaction bite fishing and using faster presentations. To watch him work is pretty immobilizing

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

KVD's greatest strength is his management of time.  He does not waste a nano second with unnecessary movements.

If he catches a good un, he may give one fist pump when he boats the fish.  If he loses a good un, the lure is right back in the water.  He neither celebrates, nor mopes while he is fishing. 

Whether he has more knowlege than everyone else, I do not know, but this I will guarantee, just from watching television coverage, everything else being equal, KVD will still outperform the others on a regular basis because he spends more time with his lure in the water, simply because the does not bound around the boat throwing a temper tantrum, nor in celebration.  From first cast to last cast, he is all business.  He is the epitome of efficiency.


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